
What mind and what sane thought

أي رأي وأي عقل صحيح

1. What mind and what sane thought
Did not frighten you, my satire and my gale?

١. أَيُّ رَأيٍ وَأَيُّ عَقلٍ صَحيحِ
لَم يُخَوِّفكَ سانِحي وَبَريحي

2. Your soul lied to you when it told you
I grow my arrows and my wounds.

٢. كَذَبَت نَفسُكَ الَّتي حَدَّثَت أَن
نِيَ أُنمي رَمِيَّتي وَجَريحي

3. God created a beard for you—if you shave
It, its high price would not be known.

٣. خَلَقَ اللَهُ لِحيَةً لَكَ لَو تُح
لَقُ لَم يُدرَ ما غَلاءُ المُسوحِ

4. And toss it to the wind if you hope
My poem will describe it blown by the wind.

٤. وَذَراها في الريحِ إِن كُنتَ تَرجو
سَيرَ شِعري في نَعتِها بِالريحِ

5. Lost was the mind of one who thought I
Proceed with praises of you through wishes.

٥. سارَ في التيهِ عَقلُ مَن ظَنَّ أَنّي
بِالأَماني يَسيرُ فيكَ مَديحي

6. O Haroun, stingy to the core, who refused
And so were punished with deafness obstinate and zealous,

٦. يا حَروناً في البُخلِ قَد وَأَبي بُخ
لِكَ عوقِبتَ بِالأَصَمِّ الجَموحِ

7. Of far-reaching import, near in meaning,
Weighty in argument, light in spirit,

٧. بِبَعيدِ المَدى قَريبِ المَعاني
وَثَقيلِ الحِجى خَفيفِ الروحِ

8. His palm enchained the seas of verse
When hinting and when speaking outright.

٨. سَجَرَت كَفُّهُ بُحورَ القَوافي
لَكَ عِندَ التَعريضِ وَالتَصريحِ

9. My billows spare you no arrogance
Even if you were in Noah’s ship.

٩. لُجَجي لَستَ سالِماً مِن تَعالي
ها وَلَو كُنتَ في سَفينَةِ نوحِ