
Parting is near, and departure,

نأي وشيك وانطلاق

1. Parting is near, and departure,
And boiling longing and burning passion,

١. نَأيٌ وَشيكٌ وَاِنطِلاقُ
وَغَليلُ شَوقٍ وَاِحتِراقُ

2. For one I loved I bade farewell,
My companions were lost in his company,

٢. بِأَبي هَوىً وَدَّعتُهُ
تاهَت بِصُحبَتِهِ الرِفاقُ

3. A full moon that lights the way for lovers,
Wandering not in the horizon's mirage,

٣. بَدرٌ يُضيءُ لِعاشِقي
هِ وَما يَطيفُ بِهِ المَحاقُ

4. It withered and became disheveled,
In sorrow for his absence, Iraq,

٤. وَتَمَرَّهَت وَتَشَعَّثَت
جَزَعاً لِغَيبَتِهِ العِراقُ

5. Death to me and separation,
Both are unbearable,

٥. المَوتُ عِندي وَالفِرا
قُ كِلاهُما ما لا يُطاقُ

6. They work together against souls, so there is the pigeon and the hunter,
If this were not so,

٦. يَتَعاوَنانِ عَلى النُفو
سِ فَذا الحِمامُ وَذا السِياقُ

7. It would not be said, death or separation.

٧. لَو لَم يَكُن هَذا كَذا
ما قيلَ مَوتٌ أَو فِراقُ