
Beauty is part of your beautiful face

الحسن جزء من وجهك الحسن

1. Beauty is part of your beautiful face
O moon fulfilling its promise on a branch

١. الحُسنُ جُزءٌ مِن وَجهِكَ الحَسَنِ
يا قَمَراً موفِياً عَلى غُصُنِ

2. If you are one in beauty, then I
O sole one of beauty, sole one of sorrow

٢. إِن كُنتَ في الحُسنِ واحِداً فَأَنا
يا واحِدَ الحُسنِ واحِدُ الحَزَنِ

3. Every illness you see in anyone
That is a branch, while the root is in my body

٣. كُلُّ سَقامٍ تَراهُ في أَحَدٍ
فَذاكَ فَرعٌ وَالأَصلُ في بَدَني

4. Love's burgeoning before your being
In the hearts of lovers did not exist

٤. كَوامِنُ الحُبِّ قَبلَ كَونِكَ في
أَفئِدَةِ العاشِقينَ لَم تَكُنِ