
O you fault-finder, O son of a scurrilous mother,

أعتيب يا ابن الفعلة اللخناء

1. O you fault-finder, O son of a scurrilous mother,
Did you feel safe from my extravagance and my transgressions?

١. أَعُتَيبَ يا اِبنَ الفِعلَةِ اللَخناءِ
أَأَمِنتَ مِن بَذَخي وَمِن غُلَوائي

2. By the sanctity of the pup in your lap, he
Has a right over adultery.

٢. فَبِحُرمَةِ الغُرمولِ في اِستِكَ إِنَّهُ
قَسَمٌ لَهُ حَقٌّ عَلى البُغاءِ

3. Your invocation against a dog more disgraced
Than your invocation against the poets.

٣. دَعواكَ في كَلبٍ أَعَمُّ فَضيحَةً
وَأَخَصُّ أَم دَعواكَ في الشُعَراءِ

4. Strange is the satirist who exposes his honor
While his mother's shame remains veiled forever.

٤. عَجَباً لِصَيّادِ الهِجاءِ بِعِرضِهِ
وَحِرُ اِمِّهِ أَبَداً عَلى الإِعراءِ

5. Let his poetry die if it equals mine,
And let him die of rage - he is not my equal!

٥. ما شِعرُهُ كُفأً لِشِعري فَليَمُت
غَيظاً وَلا الخُلُقِيُّ مِن أَكفائي

6. How can my claws miss in a country
Where my hands are extended and my skies vast?

٦. أَنّى يَفوتُ مَخالِبي في بَلدَةٍ
أَرضي بِها مَبسوطَةٌ وَسَمائي

7. Like a torrent before and behind me are the senile and the feeble,
And the donkeys of ignoble men.

٧. وَكُهولُ كَهلانَ وَحَيّا حِميَرٍ
كَالسَيلِ قُدّامي مَعاً وَوَرائي

8. Destruction take my paternal uncles
Who were ennobled by favors - they were my forefathers!

٨. فَأُلاكَ أَعمامي الَّذينَ تَعَمَّموا
بِالمَكرُماتِ وَهَذِهِ آبائي