
Her tribe blamed her, and her intimate friend;

لامته لام عشيرها وحميمها

1. Her tribe blamed her, and her intimate friend;
Yet she was of a character whose vileness time disclosed.

١. لامَتهُ لامَ عَشيرُها وَحَميمُها
مِنها خَلائِقُ قَد أَبَنَّ ذَميمُها

2. She knew not how many a night she spent awake,
While she was sleeping in my eyes and I was making her drowsy.

٢. لَم تَدرِ كَم مِن لَيلَةٍ قَد خاضَها
لَيلاءَ وَهيَ تَنامُها وَتُنيمُها

3. She slighted a youth whose face was brightened
By freshness, and whose gravity checked her blame and censure.

٣. نَكِرَت فَتىً أَذرى بِنَضرَةِ وَجهِهِ
وَبِمائِهِ نَكَدُ الخُطوبِ وَلومُها

4. Do not deny my anxiety, for I am more
Prudent than the violent power of misfortunes and their evils.

٤. لا تُنكِري هَمّي فَإِنّي زائِدي
حَزماً حِضارُ النائِباتِ وَشومُها

5. So the first thing revealed was the effect of the polishing of a sword,
And hearts were tried and sorrows disciplined.

٥. فَلَقَبلُ أَظهَرَ صَقلُ سَيفٍ أَثرَهُ
فَبَدا وَهَذَّبَتِ القُلوبَ هُمومُها

6. And if events have kissed you with their lips,
It is He who has told you of their pleasures and blessings.

٦. وَالحادِثاتُ وَإِن أَصابَكَ بوسُها
فَهوَ الَّذي أَنباكَ كَيفَ نَعيمُها

7. Have you not seen the abodes of Malik's daughter,
How the sigh figured its forms?

٧. أَوَ ما رَأَيتَ مَنازِلَ اِبنَةِ مالِكٍ
رَسَمَت لَهُ كَيفَ الزَفيرُ رُسومُها

8. Its backing and facing, its length and breadth,
Its ruins and new parts and old;

٨. آناؤُها وَطُلولُها وَنِجادُها
وَوِهادُها وَحَدِثُها وَقَديمُها

9. The winds blow over it gently and strongly,
Restraining their song, without restraining it.

٩. تَغدو الرِياحُ سَوافِياً وَعَوافِياً
فَتُضيمُ مَغناها وَلَيسَ يَضيمُها

10. As if he had cast his staff on it when fully ripened -
An erratic piercing throw - without hitting the mark.

١٠. وَكَأَنَّما أَلقى عَصاهُ بِها النَوى
مِن شَقَّةٍ قَذَفٍ فَلَيسَ يَريمُها

11. Truly I relieved you of trouble with valor
Of a noble sort when the affairs were confused.

١١. إِنّي كَشَفتُكِ أَزمَةً بِأَعِزَّةٍ
غُرٍّ إِذا غَمَرَ الأُمورَ بَهيمُها

12. With three like the three of perfume that gained perfection;
Its color, taste, and odor were yours.

١٢. بِثَلاثَةٍ كَثَلاثَةِ الراحِ اِستَوى
لَكَ لَونُها وَمَذاقُها وَشَميمُها

13. And three like the three of the garden produce that matched each other:
Its twigs, fruit, and shade were yours.

١٣. وَثَلاثَةِ الشَجَرِ الجَنِيِّ تَكافَأَت
أَفنانُها وَثِمارُها وَأَرومُها

14. And three like the well-rope's three that favored the bucket's drawer:
Its posts, poles, and leather were yours.

١٤. وَثَلاثَةِ الدَلوِ اِستُجيدَ لِماتِحٍ
أَعوادُها وَرِشاؤُها وَأَديمُها

15. And three like the cooking-pot's three that perplexed:
Was the last of them, the one with the contents, or its keeper?

١٥. وَثَلاثَةِ القِدرِ اللَواتي أَشكَلَت
أَأَخيَرُها ذو العِبءِ أَم قَيدومُها

16. And when the vexation of the pilgrim is stilled one day,
With them you have been vexed when you wished for tranquility.

١٦. وَإِذا عَلوقُ الحاجِ يَوماً سُكِّنَت
بِهِمُ فَقَد رَئِمَتكَ حينَ تَرومُها

17. Abd al-Hamid belongs to Layla and to the overflowing bounty
In her, and is like her sword, her father Ibrahim.

١٧. عَبدُ الحَميدِ لَها وَلِلفَضلِ الرُبا
فيها وَمِثلُ السَيفِ إِبراهيمُها

18. They surpassed people whose elevation has become certain.
All certainty that they are its stars.

١٨. جازوا خَلائِقَ قَد تَيَقَّنَتِ العُلى
كُلَّ التَيَقُّنِ أَنَّهُنَّ نُجومُها

19. If foolish Buqayl undertook to praise her,
His folly would be made easy for him.

١٩. لَو أَنَّ باقِلاً المُفَهَّهِ يَنبَري
في مَدحِها سَهُلَت عَلَيهِ حُزومُها

20. And if eloquent Suhban undertook to blame her,
He would not know how to show hostility to her.

٢٠. وَلَو أَنَّ سَحبانَ المُفَوَّهَ يَنتَحي
في ذَمِّها لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ يَذيمُها

21. We have come to you, keeping a secret purpose
Whose greatness makes great things insignificant.

٢١. إِنّا أَتَيناكُم نَصونُ مَآرِباً
يَستَصغِرُ الحَدَثَ العَظيمَ عَظيمُها

22. With swords we have apportioned the necks that oppose hers,
And wrong cannot be given rights like her right.

٢٢. بِالعيسِ قاسَمنا الفَلا أَشلاءَها
وَالبيدُ لا يُعطى السَواءَ قَسيمُها

23. For us are the keys of her covers and saddle-bags,
While the groom has charge of her provisions and meat.

٢٣. فَلَنا أَمينُ فُصوصِها وَشُخوصِها
وَلَها وَرِيُّ سَديفِها وَلُحومُها

24. The deserts have taken her stages and halts,
So that distance excuses her while we blame her.

٢٤. أَخَذَت مَحالَتَها السُهوبُ وَبَدءَها
فَالبُعدُ يَعذِرها وَنَحنُ نَلومُها

25. There is clearing of her plants that cannot be watered
By the sound of the night rain pouring on them.

٢٥. صُفُحٌ عَنِ النَبآتِ لَيسَ يَؤودُها
جَرسُ الدُجى مَكّاؤُها وَنَئيمُها

26. She is a night one whose anxiety
Has been calmed before by the echoes of desolation and its owls.

٢٦. لَيلِيَّةٌ قَد وَقَّرَت هاماتِها
مِن قَبلُ أَصداءُ الفَلاةِ وَبومُها

27. She is a sharply fleeing one whose troop
Outwent its guide and its driver disappeared.

٢٧. مَهرِيَّةٌ بَلَغَ الكِرايَةَ رَكبُها
مِنها وَغابَ مُريحُها وَمُسيمُها

28. Her sturdy camel carries her and her howdah,
While her Sa'dan and Dhamil make her drowsy.

٢٨. فَعَنيقُها يَعضيدُها وَوَسيجُها
سَعدانُها وَذَميلُها تَنّومُها

29. Weariness has conquered her necks and nostrils,
So her limited endurance is a loan to her.

٢٩. مَلَكَ الكِلالُ رِقابَها وَأُنوفَها
فَنُعوبُها دينٌ لَها وَسُعومُها

30. It is as if her neglected mount is reined in anger,
And as if her lost one is destined to be slaughtered.

٣٠. فَكَأَنَّ مُهمَلَها مُخَيَّسُ غَيرِها
وَكَأَنَّما مَخلوعُها مَخطومُها