
We shortened our gazes away from you out of fear that they would melt

قد قصرنا دونك الألحا

1. We shortened our gazes away from you out of fear that they would melt
Every time we added a glance to you

١. قَد قَصَرنا دونَكَ الأَلحا
ظَ خَوفاً أَن تَذوبا

2. You added beauty and kindness to us
The gazes of my eyes grew sick

٢. كُلَّما زِدناكَ لَحظاً
زِدتَنا حُسناً وَطيبا

3. As you made hearts sick

٣. مَرِضَت أَلحاظُ عَينَي
كَ فَأَمرَضتَ القُلوبا