
As for Abu Bishr, he has become a model

أما أبو بشر فقد أضحى الورى

1. As for Abu Bishr, he has become a model
Of generosity in his breath and drink.

١. أَمّا أَبو بِشرٍ فَقَد أَضحى الوَرى
كَلّاً عَلى نَفَحاتِهِ وَنَوالِهِ

2. So if you find fault with him, you will repent, certain
That none is worthier of his wealth than he.

٢. فَمَتى تُلِمُّ بِهِ تَؤُب مُستَيقِناً
أَن لَيسَ أَولى مِن سِواهُ بِمالِهِ

3. A nobility exceeding all nobles, and beneath it
A refinement that frees the heart of its fetters.

٣. كَرَمٌ يَزيدُ عَلى الكِرامِ وَتَحتَهُ
أَدَبٌ يَفُكُّ القَلبَ مِن أَغلالِهِ

4. I have received from him a sincere devotion
That has pierced all my arrows with his arrows,

٤. أُبلِيتُ مِنهُ مَوَدَّةً عَبدِيَّةً
راشَت نِبالي كُلَّها بِنِبالِهِ

5. So that if you could see into his conscience
You would see me in his breast among his hopes.

٥. حَتّى لَوَ اَنَّكَ تَستَشِفُّ ضَميرَهُ
لَرَأَيتَني في الصَدرِ مِن آمالِهِ

6. Or have you not seen the roses with which he gifted us
A gift from one whose friend came to mind?

٦. أَوَ ما رَأَيتَ الوَردَ أَتحَفَنا بِهِ
إِتحافَ مَن خَطَرَ الصَديقُ بِبالِهِ

7. Roses blushing red like cheeks, variegated
With shyness, white in the whiteness of his deeds.

٧. وَرداً كَتَوريدِ الخُدودِ تَلَوَّنَت
خَجَلاً وَأَبيَضَ في بَياضِ فَعالِهِ

8. And coffee, pale, kept being served
From the pure joys and the lawful gains.

٨. وَالقَهوَةُ الصَهباءُ ظَلَّت تُستَقى
مِن طَيِّباتِ المُجتَنى وَحَلالِهِ

9. Inclusive, giving joy to the destitute, and yet
That wealth is but increase in his austerity.

٩. مَشمولَةً تُغني المُقِلَّ وَإِنَّما
ذاكَ الغِنى التَزييدُ في إِقلالِهِ

10. And he met his death disappointed,
While death stood red before him.

١٠. وَمُلَحَّباً لاقى المَنِيَّةَ حاسِراً
وَالمَوتُ أَحمَرُ واقِفاً بِحِيالِهِ

11. So he fell as the brave fall; his days
Passed and the heroes sprang from his loins.

١١. فَكَبا كَما يَكبو الكَمِيُّ تَصَرَّفَت
أَيّامُهُ وَاِنبَتَّ مِن أَبطالِهِ

12. He came, and the miles had ravaged him,
Stripping his soul and his garments.

١٢. فَأَتى وَقَد عَرَّتهُ مُرهَفَةُ المُدى
مِن روحِهِ جَمعاً وَمِن سِربالِهِ

13. Had it been proper to give to one unseen
What cannot be seen, to his sublime absence and train -

١٣. لَو كانَ يُهدى لِاِمرِئٍ ما لا يُرى
يُهدى لِعُظمِ فِراقِهِ وَذِيالِهِ

14. I would have returned his gift to him, though exalted
From that, I have drawn some of his qualities.

١٤. لَرَدَدتُ تُحفَتَهُ عَلَيهِ وَإِن عَلَت
عَن ذاكَ وَاِستَهدَيتُ بَعضَ خِصالِهِ