1. Isaac son of Abraham suffices me
As a neighbor, for the events of every age
١. كَفاني مِن حَوادِثِ كُلِّ دَهرٍ
بِإِسحَقَ بنِ إِبراهيمَ جارا
2. Al-Mu’sabbi will suffice me, events,
As if his forehead is an illuminating moon
٢. سَيَكفيني الحَوادِثَ مُصعَبِيُّ
كَأَنَّ جَبينَهُ قَمَرٌ أَنارا
3. With confidence, and you are worthy of that
I have taken the rope of your covenant by choice
٣. عَلى ثِقَةٍ وَأَنتَ لِذاكَ أَهلٌ
أَخَذتُ بِحَبلِ ذِمَّتِكَ اِختِيارا
4. With Isaac son of Abraham,
The sky of generosity pours heavy rain
٤. بِإِسحَقَ بنِ اِبراهيمَ أَضحَت
سَماءُ الجودِ تَنهَمِرُ اِنهِمارا
5. A young man in his youths in every nation
Who established for every glory, carpenters
٥. فَتىً بِنَوالِهِ في كُلِّ قَومٍ
أَقامَ لِكُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ نِجارا
6. I tied my rope with his rope, so it became
Its strength, I do not fear its unraveling
٦. عَقَدتُ بِحَبلِهِ حَبلي فَأَضحَت
قُواهُ لا أَخافُ لَها اِنبِتارا
7. You have good, flowing favors,
You have favored me many times in them
٧. لَكُم نِعَمٌ غَوادٍ سارِياتٌ
عَلَيَّ مَنَنتُمُ فيها مِرارا
8. I have thanked you for them, privately and publicly
And my praise in you helped and protected
٨. شَكَرتُكُمُ بِها سِرّاً وَجَهراً
وَأَنجَدَ فيكُمُ مَدحي وَغارا
9. We prefer you over all people, indeed
We saw the kingdom settled in you and traveled
٩. نُفَضِّلُكُم عَلى الأَقوامِ إِنّا
رَأَينا المُلكَ حَلَّ بِكُم وَسارا
10. Your virtues have spread and been specific
To the people of Yemen as it robbed Nizar
١٠. لَقَد عَمَّت فُضولُكُمُ وَخَصَّت
ذَوي يَمَنٍ كَما سَلَبَت نِزارا
11. The Imam chose you over men
For his nation, so the good was not denied
١١. تَخَيَّرَكَ الإِمامُ عَلى رِجالٍ
لِأُمَّتِهِ فَما حُرِمَ الخِيارا
12. I wish the Muslims, but you did not waste
Their affairs, neither the small nor the great
١٢. وَليتَ المُسلِمينَ فَلَم تُضَيِّع
أُمورَهُمُ الصِغارَ وَلا الكِبارا
13. May Allah bless you with generosity and giving
And clothe you with awe and dignity
١٣. بَراكَ اللَهُ مِن كَرَمٍ وَجودٍ
وَأَلبَسَكَ المَهابَةَ وَالوَقارا
14. If your neighbor is Al-Mu’sabbi
Then no harm you fear, nor poverty
١٤. إِذا ما كانَ جارُكَ مُصعَبِيّاً
فَلا ضَيراً تَخافُ وَلا اِفتِقارا