
O you with the short stature, no blame to her

يا هذه أقصري ما هذه بشر

1. O you with the short stature, no blame to her
Nor the others of her peers

١. يا هَذِهِ أَقصِري ما هَذِهِ بَشَرُ
وَلا الخَرائِدُ مِن أَترابِها الأُخَرُ

2. She came out in greenery like a garden with
Naught but necklaces adorning her blossoms

٢. خَرَجنَ في خُضرَةٍ كَالرَوضِ لَيسَ لَها
إِلّا الحُلِيَّ عَلى أَعناقِها زَهَرُ

3. With a single pearl surrounded by pearls
Pleasing my passion with its tearful pearls

٣. بِدُرَّةٍ حَفَّها مِن حَولِها دُرَرٌ
أَرضى غَرامِيَ فيها دَمعِيَ الدِرَرُ

4. A gazelle who refused to allow sorrow to rend me
While my eyes hasten with the water of yearning

٤. رِيَمٌ أَبَت أَن يَريمَ الحُزنُ لي جَلَداً
وَالعَينُ عَينٌ بِماءِ الشَوقِ تَبتَدِرُ

5. Youth poured upon her, still immature
Water of beauty in whose purity there was no turbidity

٥. صَبَّ الشَبابُ عَلَيها وَهوَ مُقتَبَلٌ
ماءً مِنَ الحُسنِ ما في صَفوِهِ كَدَرُ

6. Were it not for the eyes and apples of cheeks
The blind would not envy one with sight

٦. لَولا العُيونُ وَتُفّاحُ الخُدودِ إِذاً
ما كانَ يَحسُدُ أَعمى مَن لَهُ بَصَرُ

7. You bid farewell from a ruin and left me no ruins
Save those in which grief flows with remembrance

٧. حُيّيتَ مِن طَلَلٍ لَم تُبقِ لي طَلَلاً
إِلّا وَفيهِ أَسىً تَرشيحُهُ الذِكرُ

8. They said, do you cry over a vestige, so I said to them
He whose eyes it escaped, his longing guides him to the trace

٨. قالوا أَتَبكي عَلى رَسمٍ فَقُلتُ لَهُم
مَن فاتَهُ العَينُ هَدّى شَوقَهُ الأَثَرُ

9. Indeed the generous are many in the lands even if
They are few, like others, few though many

٩. إِنَّ الكِرامَ كَثيرٌ في البِلادِ وَإِن
قَلّوا كَما غَيرُهُم قُلٌّ وَإِن كَثَروا

10. The number of their arrogant will not make you despair
For most, nay all of them, are but cattle

١٠. لا يَدهَمَنَّكَ مِن دَهمائِهِم عَدَدٌ
فَإِنَّ جُلَّهُمُ بَل كُلَّهُم بَقَرُ

11. And whenever perils appeared amongst them
He who faced peril, his demise became evident

١١. وَكُلَّما أَمسَتِ الأَخطارُ بَينَهُمُ
هَلكى تَبَيَّنَ مَن أَمسى لَهُ خَطَرُ

12. Had mishaps of time not befallen most of
That in horses, excellent steeds and warriors were not praised

١٢. لَو لَم تُصادِف شِياتُ البُهمِ أَكثَرَ ما
في الخَيلِ لَم تُحمَدِ الأَوضاحُ وَالغُرَرُ

13. How excellent the young man Umar is, in every
Misfortune that befell, saying: how excellent the young man Umar

١٣. نِعمَ الفَتى عُمَرٌ في كُلِّ نائِبَةٍ
نابَت وَقَلَّت لَهُ نِعمَ الفَتى عُمَرُ

14. He gives and is praised, whoever comes to him, he praises him
So his gratitude is recompense, and his wealth largesse

١٤. يُعطي وَيَحمَدُ مَن يَأتيهِ يَحمَدُهُ
فَشُكرُهُ عِوَضٌ وَمالُهُ هَدَرُ

15. Brandishing the sword of his sound opinion
Time's sheath polishes it, and reflection sharpens it

١٥. مُجَرِّدٌ سَيفَ رَأيٍ مِن عَزيمَتِهِ
لِلدَهرِ صَيقَلُهُ الإِطراقُ وَالفِكَرُ

16. Wrathful when he unleashed it in the face of misfortune
That came to him, the days' daughters come to apologize

١٦. عَضباً إِذا سَلَّهُ في وَجهِ نائِبَةٍ
جاءَت إِلَيهِ بِناتُ الدَهرِ تَعتَذِرُ

17. One asking about Abu Hafs, so I said to him
Restrain yourself from him, for he is fate

١٧. وَسائِلٍ عَن أَبي حَفصٍ فَقُلتُ لَهُ
أَمسِك عِنانَكَ عَنهُ إِنَّهُ القَدَرُ

18. He is the spirit, he is the firm mountain, he is the
Comforting rain, he is the inspired enthusiast, he is the memorable echo

١٨. هُوَ الهُمامُ هُوَ الصابُ المُريحُ هُوَ ال
حَتفُ الوَحِيُّ هُوَ الصَمّامَةُ الذَكَرُ

19. A young man you see, his pride dispels hardship
Auspiciously, and ease springs from its essence

١٩. فَتىً تَراهُ فَتَنفي العُسرَ غُرَّتُهُ
يُمناً وَيَنبُعُ مِن أَسرارِها اليُسُرُ

20. His ransom when you ask him, fearing to ask
As if there were hair and fleas on his skin

٢٠. فِدىً لَهُ مُقشَعِرٌّ حينَ تَسأَلُهُ
خَوفَ السُؤالِ كَأَن في جِلدِهِ وَبَرُ

21. How can you see him devoid of honored sustenance
While each day in others' possessions you see plenty

٢١. أَنّى تُرى عاطِلاً مِن حَليِ مُكرَمَةٍ
وَكُلَّ يَومٍ تُرى في مالِكَ الغِيَرُ

22. God's blessing on the clan of Abdulaziz, for how many
Times they repelled the mighty foe's cheek

٢٢. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ بَني عَبدِ العَزيزِ فَكَم
أَردوا عَزيزَ عِدىً في خَدِّهِ صَعَرُ

23. His sublime behests are recited among their shoulders
Some folks even thought they were Quranic verses

٢٣. تُتلى وَصايا المَعالي بَينَ أَظهُرِهِم
حَتّى لَقَد ظَنَّ قَومٌ أَنَّها سُوَرُ

24. Oh, I wonder who is he whose glories are these
What is it that he awaits in attaining the starry heights

٢٤. يا لَيتَ شِعرِيَ مَن هاتا مَآثِرُهُ
ماذا الَّذي بِبُلوغِ النَجمِ يَنتَظِرُ

25. In poetry there is prolixity when its odes
Rival one group and fall short of another

٢٥. بِالشِعرِ طولٌ إِذا اِصطَكَّت قَصائِدُهُ
في مَعشَرٍ وَبِهِ عَن مَعشَرٍ قِصَرُ

26. Journey with your eyes to the furthest of our glories
If you have no traveling to establish them

٢٦. سافِر بِطَرفِكَ في أَقصى مَكارِمِنا
إِن لَم يَكُن لَكَ في تَأسيسِها سَفَرُ

27. Did glory flower except in Odad's clan
Or was any fruit thereof plucked but by Tai'?

٢٧. هَل أَورَقَ المَجدَ إِلّا في بَني أُدَدٍ
أَوِ اِجتُنِيَ مِنهُ لَولا طَيِّىءٌ ثَمَرُ

28. Were it not for traditions that perpetuated our glories
Of dew and rebuttal, the night conversation would not please

٢٨. لَولا أَحاديثُ بَقَّتها مَآثِرُنا
مِنَ النَدى وَالرَدى لَم يُعجِب السَمَرُ