
Do not hasten against me, for after today there is still tomorrow,

لا تعجلن عليك بعد نهار

1. Do not hasten against me, for after today there is still tomorrow,
And tomorrow the poems will be prepared for you.

١. لا تَعجَلَّنَ عَلَيكَ بَعدُ نَهارُ
وَغَداً إِلَيكَ تُجَهَّزُ الأَشعارُ

2. To leave the scoundrel unharmed is a flaw upon the honorable man and a disgrace,
You have set sail in an ocean of ignorance, intoxicated,

٢. تَركُ اللَئيمِ وَلَم يُمَزَّق عِرضُهُ
نَقصٌ عَلى الرَجُلِ الكَريمِ وَعارُ

3. And ignorance in some delights is poison.
So drink, for you will know that it is a cup,

٣. أَشَرَعتَ في بَحرِ الجَهالَةِ سادِراً
وَالجَهلُ في بَعضِ الهَناتِ عُقارُ

4. That mars one's honor with intoxication.
The choice of speech has come to you in fragments,

٤. فَاِشرَب فَإِنَّكَ سَوفَ تَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ
قَدَحٌ يُصيبُ العِرضَ مِنهُ خُمارُ

5. The shoulders of the poem helped by maids.
A rock that will deafen both your ears,

٥. غاداكَ مُختارُ الكَلامِ بِشُرَّدٍ
عونِ القَصيدِ حُتوفُها أَبكارُ

6. Until you see that the ear is a secret.
Poetry in which poison is infused but does not fall,

٦. صَخرٌ يُفيتُكَ مِسمَعَيكَ كِلَيهِما
حَتّى تَرى أَنَّ الأَذانَ سِرارُ

7. An amount that corrupts it but no fingers.
Delusions, whenever I want, are my witnesses,

٧. شِعرٌ مَقيلُ السَمِّ فيهِ وَلَم يَقَع
قِسطٌ يُدَيِّثُهُ وَلا أَظفارُ

8. That you did not have a perfumer father.
Do not think that I have lightened up out of passion,

٨. غُرَرٌ مَتى ما شِئتُ كُنَّ شَواهِدي
أَن لَم يَكُن لَكَ والِدٌ عَطّارُ

9. And lightness, passion in you, is dignity.
Two who cannot be trusted in severity,

٩. لا تَحسَبَن أَنّي خَفَفتُ لِهَفوَةٍ
وَالخِفَّةُ الهَفواءُ فيكَ وَقارُ

10. I when my anger burns, and the fire.

١٠. إِثنانِ لَيسا يُؤمَنانِ بِحِدَّةٍ
أَنا حينَ تُحرِقُ سَخطَتي وَالنارُ