
The swordsman drew his blade, now interred,

بذ الجلاد فهو دفين

1. The swordsman drew his blade, now interred,
Haunted only by savage beasts and hyenas,

١. بَذَّ الجِلادُ فَهوَ دَفينُ
ما إِن بِهِ إِلاَّ الوُحوشَ قَطينُ

2. This sword and this patience brought no rest
Until this faith was exalted.

٢. لَم يُقرَ هَذا السَيفُ هَذا الصَبرَ في
هَيجاءَ إِلّا عَزَّ هَذا الدينُ

3. Once Spain was a sunset realm so you vanquished it
With the sword, and the glowing East shone bright.

٣. قَد كانَ عُذرَةَ مَغرِبٍ فَاِفتَضَّها
بِالسَيفِ فَحلُ المَشرِقِ الأَفشينُ

4. But foxes have made it their lair once more,
Yesterday it was but a fox's den.

٤. فَأَعادَها تَعوي الثَعالِبُ وَسطَها
وَلَقَد تُرى بِالأَمسِ وَهيَ عَرينُ

5. Martyrs' skulls have rained upon it,
Signs of their blood a necklace and adornment.

٥. جادَت عَلَيها مِن جَماجِمِ أَهلِها
دِيَمٌ أَمارَتها طُلىً وَشُئونُ

6. Before it was a desert of blood,
A wasteland, now it is a fountain.

٦. كانَت مِنَ الدَمِ قَبلَ ذاكَ مَفازَةً
غَوراً فَأَمسَت وَهيَ مِنهُ مَعينُ

7. A sea of corpses tossing, its flotsam
Only ribs and spine-bones of ships.

٧. بَحراً مِنَ الهَيجاءِ يَهفو مالَهُ
إِلّا الجَناجِنَ وَالضُلوعَ سَفينُ

8. A gifted king met them, graced with glory,
A ringing sword, and the blessed right hand victorious.

٨. لاقاهُمُ مَلِكٌ حَباهُ بِالعُلى
جَرسٌ وَجانا خُرَّةُ المَيمونُ

9. A king who glows with noble deeds whenever
He appears with grace and majesty.

٩. مَلِكٌ تُضيءُ المَكرُماتُ إِذا بَدا
لِلمُلكِ مِنهُ غُرَّةٌ وَجَبينُ

He led armies with the wisdom of an experienced heir

١٠. ساسَ الجُيوشَ سِياسَةَ اِبنِ تَجارِبٍ
رَمَقَتهُ عَينُ المُلكِ وَهوَ جَنينُ

11. Whose glance his keen eye caught while still a babe.
His resolution firmed, and indeed

١١. لانَت مَهَزَّتُهُ فَعَزَّ وَإِنَّما
يَشتَدُّ بَأسُ الرُمحِ حينَ يَلينُ

12. The spear point strengthens when it softens.
You see the noble strengthen when he shows weakness

١٢. وَتَرى الكَريمَ يَعِزُّ حينَ يَهونُ
وَتَرى اللَئيمَ يَهونُ حينَ يَهونُ

13. And the ignoble weaken when he shows weakness.
He led Death and armies till daybreak

١٣. قادَ المَنايا وَالجُيوشَ فَأَصبَحَت
وَلَها بِأَرشَقَ قَسطَلٌ عُثنونُ

14. And Arqash remains his, a fearful lion.

١٤. فَتَرَكتَ أَرشَقَ وَهيَ يُرقى بِاِسمِها
صُمُّ الصَفا فَتَفيضُ مِنهُ عُيونُ

15. You left Arqash while its name still rang
A silent boulder overflowing with springs.

١٥. لَو تَستَطيعُ الحَجَّ يَوماً بَلدَةٌ
حَجَّت إِلَيها كَعبَةٌ وَحَجونُ

16. If a town could manage pilgrimage one day
It would circle your door as pilgrims circle the Kaaba.

١٦. لاقاكَ بابَكُ وَهوَ يَزئِرُ فَاِنثَنى
وَزَئيرُهُ قَد عادَ وَهوَ أَنينُ

17. Your door met him roaring, then it bent,
And its roar returned as a moan.

١٧. لاقى شَكائِمَ مِنكَ مُعتَصِمِيَّةً
أَهزَلنَ جَنبَ الكُفرِ وَهوَ سَمينُ

18. It met persevering, steadfast heroes from you
Who wasted the flanks of unbelief while fattened.

١٨. لَمّا رَأى عَلَمَيكَ وَلّى هارِباً
وَلِكُفرِهِ طَرفٌ عَلَيهِ سَخينُ

19. When it saw your banners it fled in terror
While the blaze of unbelief burns hot upon it.

١٩. وَلّى وَلَم يَظلِم وَهَل ظَلَمَ اِمرِؤٌ
حَثَّ النَجاءَ وَخَلفَهُ التِنّينُ

20. It fled without being wronged, but does a man wrong
Who drives off rescue and leaves the serpent behind?

٢٠. أَوقَعتَ في أَبرَشتَويمَ وَقائِعاً
أَضحَكنَ سِنَّ الدينِ وَهوَ حَزينُ

21. You brought calamitous defeats upon Breslau
That made the age of faith laugh though saddened.

٢١. أَوسَعتَهُم ضَرباً تُهَدُّ بِهِ الكُلى
وَيَخِفُّ مِنهُ المَرءُ وَهوَ رَكينُ

22. You struck them with a blow that shatters kidneys
At which a man quails though at rest.

٢٢. ضَرباً كَأَشداقِ المَخاضِ وَتَحتَهُ
طَعنٌ كَأَنَّ وَجاءَهُ طاعونُ

23. A blow like the pangs of childbirth, and beneath it
A stab as if the plague itself speared them.

٢٣. بَأسٌ تُفَلُّ بِهِ الصُفوفُ وَتَحتَهُ
رَأيٌ تُفَلُّ بِهِ العُقولُ رَزينُ

24. A might that disperses ranks, and beneath it
A view that confuses minds, grave and wise.

٢٤. أَخلى جِلادُكَ صَدرَهُ وَلَقَد يُرى
وَفُؤادُهُ مِن نَجدَةٍ مَسكونُ

25. Your swordsman bared his chest, and it shows
A heart filled from deliverance and triumph.

٢٥. سَجَنَت تَجارِبُهُ فُضولَ عُرامِهِ
إِنَّ التَجارِبَ لِلعُقولِ سُجونُ

26. Experience imprisoned the excesses of his youth
For experience is the prison of minds.

٢٦. وَعَشِيَّةَ التَلِّ اِنصَرَفتَ وَلِلهُدى
شَوقٌ إِلَيكَ مُداوِرٌ وَحَنينُ

27. As night fell you turned away, and yearning
For you keeps constant vigil, tender and pining.

٢٧. عَبَأَ الكَمينَ لَهُ فَظَلَّ لِحَينِهِ
وَكَمينُهُ المُخفى عَلَيهِ كَمينُ

28. He arranged an ambush and waited for his moment
While his hidden ambush lay in wait for him.

٢٨. يا وَقعَةً ما كانَ أَعتَقَ يَومَها
إِذ بَعضُ أَيّامِ الزَمانِ هَجينُ

29. Oh day of deeds - none like it ever loosed
The fetters of time, though days may be vile.

٢٩. لَو أَنَّ هَذا الفَتحَ شَكٌّ لَاِشتَفَت
مِنهُ القُلوبُ فَكَيفَ وَهوَ يَقينُ

30. If this opening were doubtful then hearts
Would doubt it - how not, when it is certain?

٣٠. وَأَخَذتَ بابَكَ حائِراً دونَ المُنى
وَمُنى الضَلالِ مِياهُهُنَّ أُجونُ

31. You seized the gate, baffled, short of refuge
While the refuge of misguidance is bitter springs.

٣١. طَعَنَ التَلَهُّفُ قَلبَهُ فَفُؤادُهُ
مِن غَيرِ طَعنَةِ فارِسٍ مَطعونُ

32. Yearning pierced his heart so his heart
Was stabbed without a knight's spear-thrust.

٣٢. وَرَجا بِلادَ الرومِ فَاِستَعصى بِهِ
أَجَلٌ أَصَمُّ عَنِ النَجاءِ حَرونُ

33. He hoped for Rome's lands but destiny denied him,
Deaf to salvation, free and stubborn.

٣٣. هَيهاتَ لَم يَعلَم بِأَنَّكَ لَو ثَوى
بِالصينِ لَم تَبعُد عَلَيكَ الصينُ

34. Alas, he did not know that had you sheltered
In China, China would not be far from you!

٣٤. ما نالَ ما قَد نالَ فِرعَونُ وَلا
هامانُ في الدُنيا وَلا قارونُ

35. He attained not what Pharaoh attained
Nor Haman in this world, nor Korah.

٣٥. بَل كانَ كَالضَحّاكِ في سَطواتِهِ
بِالعالَمينَ وَأَنتَ إِفريدونُ

36. Rather he was like Dahhak in his tyranny
Over both worlds while you are Feridun.

٣٦. فَسَيَشكُرُ الإِسلامُ ما أَولَيتَهُ
وَاللَهُ عَنهُ بِالوَفاءِ ضَمينُ