
The turns of time have separated us since our parting

كانت صروف الزمان من فرقك

1. The turns of time have separated us since our parting
And the people of adversity rejoiced at your absence

١. كانَت صُروفُ الزَمانِ مِن فَرَقِك
وَاِكتَنَّ أَهلُ الإِعدامِ في وَرَقِك

2. Precedence is only gained by outpacing
The steeds of a people whose path you did not take

٢. ما السَبقُ إِلّا سَبقٌ يُحازُ عَلى
جَوادِ قَومٍ لَم يَجرِ في طَلَقِك

3. O time, correct your deceits, for you have
Agitated all people with your ragged ways

٣. يا دَهرُ قَوِّم مِن أَخدَعَيكَ فَقَد
أَضجَجتَ هَذا الأَنامَ مِن خُرُقِك

4. Ask the nights, for they know
Which generous soul overindulged in your cups

٤. سائِل لَياليكَ فَهيَ عالِمَةٌ
أَيُّ كَريمٍ أَرسَفنَ في حَلَقِك

5. Withhold your hand from Abul Hussein and you will find
His excellence returning to your creation

٥. إِقبِض يَداً عَن أَبي الحُسَينِ تَجِد
جَديدَهُ عائِداً عَلى خَلَقِك

6. How much yearning fordew, and how much anxiety
For glory and benevolence in your anxiety

٦. كَم لَوعَةٍ لِلنَدى وَكَم قَلَقٍ
لِلمَجدِ وَالمَكرُماتِ في قَلَقِك

7. May God cloak you in the garb of wellness
In your afflicted sleep and your sleeplessness

٧. أَلبَسَكَ اللَهُ ثَوبَ عافِيَةٍ
في نَومِكَ المُعتَري وَفي أَرَقِك

8. May He remove disease from your body
As He removed the blame of the wicked from your neck

٨. يُخرِجُ مِن جِسمِكَ السَقامَ كَما
أَخرَجَ ذَمَّ الفَعالِ مِن عُنُقِك

9. May He gently pass over you until
Your constitution appears healthier than your nature

٩. يَسُحُّ سَحّاً عَلَيكَ حَتّى يُرى
خَلقُكَ فيها أَصَحَّ مِن خُلُقِك