
I have endured your separation with unyielding patience,

صبرت عنك بصبر غير مغلوب

1. I have endured your separation with unyielding patience,
My eyes pouring tears down my cheeks.

١. صَبَرتُ عَنكَ بِصَبرٍ غَيرِ مَغلوبِ
وَدَمعِ عَينٍ عَلى الخَدَّينِ مَسكوبِ

2. You have made me a permanent abode of passion,
A home for sorrow, O abode of beauty and kindness.

٢. صَيَّرتَني مُستَقَرّاً لِلهَوى وَطَناً
لِلحُزنِ يا مُستَقَرَّ الحُسنِ وَالطيبِ

3. If I denied what I faced from you, the witnesses
Of my sighing and torment have been proven true.

٣. لَئِن جَحَدتُكَ ما لاقَيتُ فيكَ فَقَد
صَحَّت شُهودُ تَباريحي وَتَعذيبي

4. With sigh after sigh that have long attested
That they were wrenched from the breast of one in anguish.

٤. بِزَفرَةٍ بَعدَ أُخرى طالَما شَهِدَت
بِأَنَّها اِنتُزِعَت مِن صَدرِ مَكروبِ

5. But you were hostile towards my body and built with it,
O you who saw the gazelle as hostile to the wolf.

٥. لَكِن عَدَوتَ عَلى جِسمي فَبِنتَ بِهِ
يا مَن رَأى الظَبيَ عَدّاءً عَلى الذيبِ