
Say to 'Abdun, where is that shyness now?

قل لعبدون أين ذاك الحياء

1. Say to 'Abdun, where is that shyness now?
The vice of the licentious is shamelessness.

١. قُل لِعَبدونَ أَينَ ذاكَ الحَياءُ
إِنَّ داءَ المُجونِ داءٌ عَياءُ

2. Long have you been virtuous and chaste to me,
Guarded like a cloak is guarded.

٢. طالَما كُنتَ قَبلُ عِندي مَنيعاً
وَمَصوناً كَما يُصانُ الرِداءُ

3. Yet now you deny me though I've done no wrong,
So I and the blessed one are equal.

٣. ثُمَّ كَشَّحتَني عَلى غَيرِ جُرمٍ
فَأَنا وَالمُبارَكِيُّ سَواءُ

4. The admonishers told me, and their words
Rebuked whoever was negligent in praise.

٤. قالَ لي الناصِحونَ وَهوَ مَقالٌ
ذَمَّ مَن كانَ خامِلاً إِطراءُ

5. They spoke truly in dispraise - reputations rise
With the vilification of an oppressive rabble, so I have no dispraise.

٥. صَدَقوا في الهِجاءِ رِفعَةُ أَقوا
مٍ طَغامٍ فَلَيسَ عِندي هِجاءُ