1. My poetry, where did you flee in seeking
Even if you ascended to the sky for a reason
١. شِعري أَنّى هَرَبتَ في الطَلَبِ
وَلَو صَعِدتَ السَماءَ في سَبَبِ
2. O son of Abi Aasim, and no Aasim
Woe to you from my might and from my anger
٢. يا اِبنَ أَبي عاصِمٍ وَلا عاصِمٌ
وَيلُكَ مِن سَطوَتي وَمِن غَضَبي
3. If you were from the honorable clients, then
You would not have spoken ill in the honor of the Arabs
٣. لَو كُنتَ مِن غُرَّةِ المَوالي إِذَن
لَم تَنثُ سوءًا في غُرَّةِ العَرَبِ
4. What honorable man would accept the insult of his
Servants of the Benevolent, the noble tribes
٤. أَيُّ كَريمٍ يَرضى بِشَتمِ بَني
عَبدِ الكَريمِ الجِحاجِحِ النُجُبِ
5. What caller to bounty and life
Called them, but was not answered
٥. أَيُّ مُنادٍ إِلى النَدى وَإِلى الهَي
جاءِ ناداهُمُ فَلَم يُجَبِ
6. What gallant lad among them turned away
And did not spill blood the next day of turmoil, and was not spilled
٦. أَيُّ فَتىً مِنهُمُ أَشاحَ فَلَم
يُصَب غَداةَ الوَغى وَلَم يُصِبِ
7. What Waleed saw their swords
Prominent in war, but did not grow up
٧. أَيُّ وَليدٍ رَأى سُيوفَهُمُ
في الحَربِ مَشهورَةً فَلَم يَشِبِ
8. If you intend to believe the claim of that
Squinting fraud, then observe them and do not doubt
٨. إِن رُمتَ تَصديقَ ذاكَ يا أَعوَرُ الد
دَجالُ فَاِلحَظهُمُ وَلا تَذُبِ
9. The people will never destroy what remains
Of that lineage they built
٩. لَن يَهدِمَ الناسُ ما بَقوا أَبَداً
ما قَد بَنوهُ مِن ذَلِكَ الحَسَبِ
10. Your demise is not like one who
In the evening became a pretender in poetry and ancestry
١٠. أُلاكَ زُهرُ النُجومِ لَيسَ كَمَن
أَمسى دَعِيّاً في الشِعرِ وَالنَسَبِ