
The hand of complaint has come to you in the mail

يد الشكوى أتتك على البريد

1. The hand of complaint has come to you in the mail
It sends poems with melody

١. يَدُ الشَكوى أَتَتكَ عَلى البَريدِ
تَمُدُّ بِها القَصائِدُ بِالنَشيدِ

2. It turns between them a new hope
My desire has dressed in a new ambition

٢. تُقَلِّبُ بَينَها أَمَلاً جَديداً
تَدَرَّعَ حُلَّتي طَمَعٍ جَديدِ

3. I complained to time of my thin body
So it guided me to Abdel Hamid

٣. شَكَوتُ إِلى الزَمانِ نُحولَ جِسمي
فَأَرشَدَني إِلى عَبدِ الحَميدِ

4. I came to you riding the rhymes of hope
With trust from a faraway land

٤. فَجِئتُكَ راكِباً أَمَلَ القَوافي
عَلى ثِقَةٍ مِنَ البَلَدِ البَعيدِ

5. I hope you will be a place of ease for me
And supporter against the spiteful time

٥. أُرَجّي أَن تَكونَ مَحَلَّ يُسري
وَمُنتَصَري عَلى الزَمَنِ الكَنودِ

6. So my hopes have taken refuge in you
As people took refuge in Al-Rashid's son

٦. فَقَد لاذَت بِكَ الآمالُ مِنّي
كَما لاذَ الوَرى بِاِبنِ الرَشيدِ

7. Time has let loose its ease
And greeted me in the morning with a lord's palm

٧. وَقَد أَلقى الزَمانُ عِنانَ يُسري
وَصافَحَني الغَداةَ بِكَفِّ سيدِ

8. So do not leave your answer unsatisfying in my hands
For me to write what I wished on the parchment

٨. فَلا تَجعَل جَوابَكَ في يَدَي لا
فَأَكتُبَ ما رَجَوتُ عَلى الجَليدِ

9. If it wasn't for my hopes showing me
Your clouds of generosity and bounty

٩. فَلَولا أَنَّ آمالي أَرَتني
لَدَيكَ سَحابَتَي كَرَمٍ وَجودِ

10. My poetry's rope would've been a choking collar
From the days around my neck and chest

١٠. لَأَصبَحَ حَبلُ شِعري طَوقَ غُلٍّ
مِنَ الأَيّامِ في عُنُقي وَجيدي

11. I have written in your praise my effort
So grace the poem with your rain of generosity

١١. وَقَد حَرَّرتُ في مَديحِكَ جَهدي
فَحَرِّر بِالنَدى صِلَةَ القَصيدِ