
Greet the quarter of Salma in Thi Salam

سلم على الربع من سلمى بذي سلم

1. Greet the quarter of Salma in Thi Salam
On which the days and time have left their mark

١. سَلِّم عَلى الرَبعِ مِن سَلمى بِذي سَلَمِ
عَلَيهِ وَسمٌ مِنَ الأَيّامِ وَالقِدَمِ

2. As long as we live, we will dwell in it
Though life may last, it will not last forever

٢. ما دامَ عَيشٌ لَبِسناهُ بِساكِنِهِ
لَدناً وَلَو أَنَّ عَيشاً دامَ لَم يَدُمِ

3. O abode where the south winds moaned
Over faint traces and scattered ruins

٣. يا مَنزِلاً أَعنَقَت فيهِ الجَنوبُ عَلى
رَسمٍ مُحيلٍ وَشِعبٍ غَيرِ مُلتَئِمِ

4. You decayed after I left
And the quarter I deserted can be excused for decaying

٤. هَرِمتَ بَعدِيَ وَالرَبعُ الَّذي أَفَلَت
مِنهُ بُدورُكَ مَعذورٌ عَلى الهَرَمِ

5. My pact with your magnificence, splendid landmarks
Of luscious flowers, fleece, and grapes

٥. عَهدي بِمَغناكَ حُسّانَ المَعالِمِ مِن
حُسّانَةِ الوَردِ وَالبَردِيِّ وَالعَنَمِ

6. She was a white beauty that others admired
We did not dare hunt in the sacred precinct

٦. بَيضاءُ كانَ لَها مِن غَيرِنا حَرَمٌ
فَلَم نَكُن نَستَحِلُّ الصَيدَ في الحَرَمِ

7. She was an idol to us though we never
Prostrated like those who bow to idols

٧. كانَت لَنا صَنَماً نَحنو عَلَيهِ وَلَم
نَسجُد كَما سَجَدَ الأَفشينُ لِلصَنَمِ

8. Fancy came to visit her, or rather your fancy
Came when all minds sleep, but thoughts do not sleep

٨. زارَ الخَيالُ لَها لا بَل أَزارَكَهُ
فِكرٌ إِذا نامَ فِكرُ الخَلقِ لَم يَنَمِ

9. A gazelle I stalked when I laid my traps
Of dreams for it late in the night

٩. ظَبيٌ تَقَنَّصتُهُ لَمّا نَصَبتُ لَهُ
في آخِرِ اللَيلِ أَشراكاً مِنَ الحُلُمِ

10. Then it grew bold and we grew sick with longing
Though busy, we cannot forget our sickness

١٠. ثُمَّ اِغتَدى وَبِنا مِن ذِكرِهِ سَقَمٌ
باقٍ وَإِن كانَ مَشغولاً عَنِ السَقَمِ

11. Today your mind is distracted from a phantom that pained you
And from the ruins of a lovely phantom

١١. اليَومَ يُسليكَ عَن طَيفٍ أَلَمَّ وَعَن
بِلى الرُسومِ بَلاءُ الأَينُقِ الرَسُمِ

12. Of wenches whose bags contain no mingled
Merchandise of words when they speak

١٢. مِنَ القِلاصِ اللَواتي في حَقائِبِها
بِضاعَةٌ غَيرُ مُزجاةٍ مِنَ الكَلِمِ

13. When they reach Abu Kulthum they take
Pilgrims' vows from various faiths

١٣. إِذا بَلغنَ أَبا كُلثومٍ اِتَّصَلَت
تِلكَ المُنى وَأَخَذنَ الحاجَ مِن أَمَمِ

14. God has built him among nomads and city dwellers
As a towering lion, strong and uncrumbling

١٤. بَنى بِهِ اللَهُ في بَدوٍ وَفي حَضَرٍ
لِوائِلِ سورَ عِزٍّ غَيرَ مُنهَدِمِ

15. A soothsayer saw him in the cradle and told his mother
"The discerning say: This boy is the cream of nobles"

١٥. رَأَتهُ في المَهدِ عَتّابٌ فَقالَ لَها
ذَوو الفِراسَةِ هَذا صَفوَةُ الكَرَمِ

16. Rejoice secured from fear and want, O Bani Jusham
For the pedigree has come to you clearly

١٦. خُذوا هَنيئاً مَريئاً يا بَني جُشَمٍ
مِنهُ أَمانَينِ مِن خَوفٍ وَمِن عَدَمِ

17. Though time walks with bent back
This boy will force time to walk like that

١٧. فَجاءَ وَالنَسَبُ الوَضّاحُ جاءَ بِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ بُهمَةٌ فيهِم مِنَ البُهَمِ

18. His fingers are brooks flowing with valor
And zeal is a cloak from God stretched over the honored

١٨. طِعانُ عَمرِو كُلثومٍ وَنائِلُهُ
حَذوَ السُيورِ الَّتي قُدَّت مِنَ الأَدَمِ

19. He obtained the peninsula though gaining it was impossible
I said to them: Inhale his fragrance when lightning is unseen

١٩. لَو كانَ يَملِكُ عَمرٌو مِثلَهُ شَبَهاً
مِن صُلبِهِ لَم يَجِد لِلمَوتِ مِن أَلَمِ

20. The spring is no greener to the towns because of him
Than his fresh twigs are to the arid sands

٢٠. بَنانُهُ خُلُجٌ تَجري وَغَيرَتُهُ
سِترٌ مِنَ اللَهِ مَمدودٌ عَلى الحُرَمِ

21. I see no one who has erased the memory of Mayyah
As he did though many sang of Mayyah's wine

٢١. نالَ الجَزيرَةَ إِمحالٌ فَقُلتُ لَهُم
شيموا نَداهُ إِذا ما البَرقُ لَم يُشَمِ

22. A glory that shepherded the vicissitudes of time and he was
A youth until time itself walked with faltering steps

٢٢. فَما الرَبيعُ عَلى أُنسِ البِلادِ بِهِ
أَشَدَّ خُضرَةَ عودٍ مِنهُ في القُحَمِ

23. Generosity built him and true valor and when
The sublime is built by anything but these two, it crumbles

٢٣. وَلا أَرى ديمَةً أَمحى لِمَسغَبَةٍ
مِنهُ عَلى أَنَّ ذِكراً طارَ لِلدِيَمِ

24. A halt at the family of Sa'd, their hands
Are poison to the arrogant and antidote to the aggressive

٢٤. لِتَغلِبٍ سُؤدَدٌ طابَت مَنابِتُهُ
في مُنتَهى قُلَلٍ وَمِنها وَفي قِمَمِ

25. No wretched neighbor dwells beside them
And their covenants are free of any blemish

٢٥. مَجدٌ رَعى تَلَعاتِ الدَهرِ وَهوَ فَتىً
حَتّى غَدا الدَهرُ يَمشي مِشيَةَ الهَرِمِ

26. They were loyal to all the Abbasid kings
Preserving them from the wrongs of the usurpers

٢٦. بَناهُ جودٌ وَبَأسٌ صادِقٌ وَمَتى
تُبنَ العُلى بِسِوى هَذَينِ تَنهَدِمِ

27. Gently, O Bani Malik! Do not bring
The crane of Raqim to live among eagles

٢٧. وَقفٌ عَلى آلِ سَعدٍ إِنَّ أَيدِيَهُم
سَمٌّ لِمُستَكبِرٍ شُهدٌ لِمُؤتَدِمِ

28. What bitterness have you harbored and unleashed?
What perversity have you blamed the Bani Jusham for?

٢٨. لا جارُهُم لِلرَزايا في جِوارِهِم
وَلا عُهودُهُمُ مَذمومَةَ الذِمَمِ

29. Malik did not spare you pardon and forgiveness
Even if the serpent of Hayy blew into tinder

٢٩. أَصفَوا مُلوكَ بَني العَبّاسِ كُلَّهُمُ
ذَخيرَةً ذَخَروها عَن بَني الحَكَمِ

30. You do not repeat your raids on their blood
Nor assault any flesh among them

٣٠. مَهلاً بَني مالِكٍ لا تَجلُبُنَّ إِلى
حَيِّ الأَراقِمِ دُؤلولَ اِبنَةِ الرَقِمِ

31. You dragged him against his will from his bed
Though fire can be lit from the rubbing of branches

٣١. فَأَيُّ حِقدٍ أَثَرتُم مِن مَكامِنِهِ
وَأَيُّ عَوصاءَ جَشَّمتُم بَني جُشَمِ

32. You trampled him on the embers of filial impiety
Though even lions depart when discomforted

٣٢. لَم يَألُكُم مالِكٌ صَفحاً وَمَغفِرَةً
لَو كانَ يَنفُخُ قَينُ الحَيِّ في فَحَمِ

33. You were locked in fetters and walked the walk of slaves
Just as horses walk elegantly when bridled

٣٣. لا بِالمُعاوِدِ وَلغاً في دِمائِكُمُ
وَلا إِلى لَحمِ خَلقٍ مِنكُمُ قَرِمِ

34. When none can be relied upon but those who are just
The deaf man excuses many deaf ones

٣٤. أَخرَجتُموهُ بِكُرهٍ مِن شَجِيَّتِهِ
وَالنارُ قَد تُنتَضى مِن ناضِرِ السَلَمِ

35. Of the licentiousness of girls who when they dress up
Can be smelled by those with sensitive noses

٣٥. أَوطَأتُموهُ عَلى جَمرِ العُقوقِ وَلَو
لَم يُحرَجِ اللَيثُ لَم يَبرَح مِنَ الأَجَمِ

36. If they commit crimes, they do not repent
And if they wrong people, they are not blamed

٣٦. قُذِعتُمُ فَمَشَيتُم مَشيَةً أُمَماً
كَذاكَ يَحسُنُ مَشيُ الخَيلِ في اللُجُمِ

37. Time was a dog that abandoned you
And fate among you is the most inviolable

٣٧. إِذ لا مُعَوَّلَ إِلّا كُلُّ مُعتَدِلٍ
أَصَمَّ يُبرِئُ أَقواماً مِنَ الصَمَمِ

38. Is it blindness that made people practice usury and be saved
While you unleash floods of tribulations?

٣٨. مِنَ الرُدَينِيَّةِ اللاتي إِذا عَسَلَت
تُشِمُّ بَوَّ صَغارِ الأَنفِ ذا الشَمَمِ

39. Is it from grand ambitions that seethed? Many weak ones
Were led by the loftiness of nobles in their pride

٣٩. إِن أَجرَمَت لَم تَنَصَّل مِن جَرائِمِها
وَإِن أَساءَت إِلى الأَقوامِ لَم تُلَمِ

40. You flee from him and give leadership when
A foreign dog howls among you

٤٠. كانَ الزَمانُ بِكُم كَلباً فَغادَرَكُم
بِالسَيفِ وَالدَهرُ فيكُم أَشهُرُ الحُرُمِ

41. He is bent with old age and your confusion
Has made his food your subsistence

٤١. أَمِن عَمىً نَزَلَ الناسُ الرُبا فَنَجَوا
وَأَنتُم نَصبُ سَيلِ الفِتنَةِ العَرِمِ

42. Claws that will scratch hotly when they return
Dyed by your blood without even being sharpened

٤٢. أَم ذاكَ مِن هِمَمٍ جاشَت فَكَم ضَعَةٍ
أَدّى إِلَيها عُلُوُّ القَومِ في الهِمَمِ

43. A religion that reduces all remaining lifespans
And a mercy that fluttered over all wombs

٤٣. تَنبونَ عَنهُ وَتُعطَونَ القِيادَ إِذا
كَلبٌ عَوى وَسطَكُم مِن أَكلُبِ العَجَمِ

44. If it wasn't for pleading kinship, the harvests of
Swords and pens would have abandoned you

٤٤. قَدِ اِنثَنى بِالمَنايا في أَسِنَّتِهِ
وَقَد أَقامَ حَياراكُم عَلى اللَقَمِ

45. Your faces would be blackened with shame
Not naturally blackened with soot

٤٥. جَذلانَ مِن ظَفَرٍ حَرّانَ إِن رَجَعَت
مَخضوبَةً مِنكُم أَظفارُهُ بِدَمِ

46. Do not take rebellion as your riding beast, it is a camel
That grazes in the valley of blame

٤٦. دينٌ يُكَفكِفُ مِنهُ كُلَّ بائِقَةٍ
وَرَحمَةٌ رَفرَفَت مِنهُ عَلى الرَحِمِ

47. I looked at ancient times and found
His days had devoured the first fruits of nations

٤٧. لَولا مُناشَدَةُ القُربى لَغادَرَكُم
حَصائِدَ المُرهَفَينِ السَيفِ وَالقَلَمِ

48. It destroyed Jurhum and Thamud completely
With stars of time, Aad and Iram

٤٨. لَأَصبَحَت كَالأَثافي السُفعِ أَوجُهُكُم
سوداً مِنَ العارِ لا سوداً مِنَ الحُمَمِ

49. It intoxicated Qilaib and Hammam and roused
The day of scattering for turbans and skulls

٤٩. لا تَجعَلوا البَغيَ ظَهراً إِنَّهُ جَمَلٌ
مِنَ القَطيعَةِ يَرعى وادِيَ النِقَمِ

50. It quenched the thirst of Shurahbil with the poison
Of toads by your hands without shedding blood

٥٠. نَظَرتُ في السِيَرِ الأولى خَلَت فَإِذا
أَيّامُهُ أَكَلَت باكورَةَ الأُمَمِ

51. It cut short the greetings of Lakhm, no crowned
King in turbans, nor any turban remains

٥١. أَفنى جَديساً وَطَمساً كُلَّها وَسَطا
بِأَنجُمِ الدَهرِ مِن عادٍ وَمِن إِرَمِ

52. O downfall! You were not safe from its evil
And folly makes one forget the stumbling of feet

٥٢. أَردى كُلَيباً وَهَمّاماً وَهاجَ بِهِ
يَومُ الذَنائِبِ وَالتَحلاقِ لِلِمَمِ

53. When the kingdom was established and its encampments grew firm
In the dynasty of the lion, not the servants

٥٣. سَقى شُرَحبيلَ مِن سَمِّ الذُعافِ عَلى
أَيديكُمُ غَيرَ رِعديدٍ وَلا بَرِمِ

54. A woman wandering alone, her father was not
One who swallowed flesh forcefully

٥٤. بَزَّ التَحِيَّةَ مِن لَخمٍ فَلا مَلِكٌ
مُتَوَّجٌ في عَماماتٍ وَلا عَمَمِ

55. Do not rouse evil from a people, for your lands
Are called the home of blessings

٥٥. يا عَثرَةً ما وُقيتُم شَرَّ مَصرَعِها
وَذَلَّةُ الرَأيِ تُنسي ذَلَّةَ القَدَمِ

56. This is the son of your uncle giving sincere advice
One who is suspected yet above suspicion among you

٥٦. حينَ اِستَوى المُلكُ وَاِتَّزَت مَضارِبُهُ
في دَولَةِ الأُسدِ لا في دَولَةِ الخَدَمِ

٥٧. طائِيَّةٌ لا أَبوها كانَ مُهتَضِما
وَلا مَضى بَعلُها لَحماً عَلى وَضَمِ

٥٨. لا توقِظوا الشَرَّ مِن قَومٍ فَقَد غَنِيَت
دِيارُكُم وَهيَ تُدعى مَوطِنَ النِعَمِ

٥٩. هَذا اِبنُ خالِكُمُ يُهدي نَصيحَتَهُ
مَن يُتَّهَم فَهوَ فيكُم غَيرُ مُتَّهَمِ