
You are not you, nor are the dwellings still dwellings

لا أنت أنت ولا الديار ديار

1. You are not you, nor are the dwellings still dwellings
Love has diminished and the times have turned

١. لا أَنتَ أَنتَ وَلا الدِيارُ دِيارُ
خَفَّ الهَوى وَتَوَلَّتِ الأَوطارُ

2. Being neighbors with the hills and their people
Was once painful like being pierced by thorns, and now they are seas

٢. كانَت مُجاوَرَةُ الطُلولِ وَأَهلِها
زَمَناً عِذابَ الوِردِ فَهيَ بِحارُ

3. Days that make their eyes tearful, those tears
In which their hearts moon and the moons are eclipsed

٣. أَيّامَ تُدمي عَينَهُ تِلكَ الدُمى
فيها وَتَقمُرُ لُبَّهُ الأَقمارُ

4. When neither As-Sadouf nor Al-Kanoud we named them
Like two meanings without any light or illumination

٤. إِذ لا صَدوفُ وَلا كَنودُ اَسماهُما
كَالمَعنَيَينِ وَلا نَوارُ نَوارُ

5. White, so when they get up at dawn they are images
And forms when gazing at them in the darkness

٥. بيضٌ فَهُنَّ إِذا رُمِقنَ سَوافِراً
صُوَرٌ وَهُنَّ إِذا رَمَقنَ صِوارُ

6. Where the conversation is tested for the youth
And the secrets are fortified and the secrets are secrets

٦. في حَيثُ يُمتَهَنُ الحَديثُ لِذي الصِبا
وَتُحَصَّنُ الأَسرارُ وَالأَسرارُ

7. When in barren ground, the most barren dale
There is fruit and the passing days are verdant

٧. إِذ في القَتادَةِ وَهيَ أَبخَلُ أَيكَةٍ
ثَمَرٌ وَإِذ عودُ الزَمانِ نُضارُ

8. The news has openly declared about its essence
And the cities were glad for your openings

٨. قَد صَرَّحَت عَن مَحضِها الأَخبارُ
وَاِستَبشَرَت بِفُتوحِكَ الأَمصارُ

9. A luminous news that rusted the hearts from its brilliance
When it shone that it was true daylight

٩. خَبَرٌ جَلا صَدَأَ القُلوبِ ضِياؤُهُ
إِذ لاحَ أَنَّ الصِدقَ مِنهُ نَهارُ

10. If not for the resolve of Abu Saeed, the throat (frontier)
Would still grieve, having no breastplate upon it

١٠. لَولا جِلادُ أَبي سَعيدٍ لَم يَزَل
لِلثَغرِ صَدرٌ ما عَلَيهِ صِدارُ

11. You led the steeds as if they were
Warriors over the lands of Darouliyeh, seeking their dens

١١. قُدتَ الجِيادَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ أَجادِلٌ
بِقُرى دَرَولِيَةٍ لَها أَوكارُ

12. Until the neighing from hoofs of his cavalry
Reached the walls of Constantinople like a storm

١٢. حَتّى اِلتَوى مِن نَقعِ قَسطَلِها عَلى
حيطانِ قُسطَنطينَةَ الإِعصارُ

13. You ignited, from beyond the Gulf, a fire for its people
That has embers beyond the Gulf

١٣. أَوقَدتَ مِن دونِ الخَليجِ لِأَهلِها
ناراً لَها خَلفَ الخَليجِ شَرارُ

14. Unless it was besieged, it has now become
Out of fear of the attack of the siege, a siege

١٤. إِلّا تَكُن حُصِرَت فَقَد أَضحى لَها
مِن خَوفِ قارِعَةِ الحِصارِ حِصارُ

15. If the horses had obeyed you, you would not return with them
With shackles - and shackles contain no nail

١٥. لَو طاوَعَتكَ الخَيلُ لَم تَقفُل بِها
وَالقُفلُ فيهِ شَباً وَلا مِسمارُ

16. When they met you, they entrusted themselves to you and apologized
Fleeing, but the apology did not benefit them

١٦. لَمّا لَقوكَ تَواكَلوكَ وَأَعذَروا
هَرَباً فَلَم يَنفَعهُمُ الإِعذارُ

17. So there is the fire of war kindling and here is an army
That has fury and cunning shelters

١٧. فَهُناكَ نارُ وَغى تُشَبُّ وَهاهُنا
جَيشٌ لَهُ لَجَبٌ وَثَمَّ مُغارُ

18. They submitted to your assault that is like death to them
Which comes with no dishonor

١٨. خَشَعوا لِصَولَتِكَ الَّتي هِيَ عِندَهُم
كَالمَوتِ يَأتي لَيسَ فيهِ عارُ

19. When you isolated them from the paths to them
With a desolate ground that has no vegetation

١٩. لَمّا فَصَلتَ مِنَ الدُروبِ إِلَيهِمِ
بِعَرَمرَمٍ لِلأَرضِ مِنهُ خُوارُ

20. If he travels early the abodes guide him
Or travels at night so the stars are lanterns

٢٠. إِن يَبتَكِر تُرشِدهُ أَعلامُ الصُوى
أَو يَسرِ لَيلاً فَالنُجومُ مَنارُ

21. Thus, the white eminence is an appointment for them
And the shackle is destiny and the Gulf is a banner

٢١. فَالحَمَّةُ البَيضاءُ ميعادٌ لَهُم
وَالقُفلُ حَتمٌ وَالخَليجُ شِعارُ

22. They knew that the invasion was like it
An invasion, and that invasion from you is supreme

٢٢. عَلِموا بِأَنَّ الغَزوَ كانَ كَمِثلِهِ
غَزواً وَأَنَّ الغَزوَ مِنكَ بَوارُ

23. So walking is whispering and calling is signalling
Fearing your revenge and speech is secrets

٢٣. فَالمَشيُ هَمسٌ وَالنِداءُ إِشارَةٌ
خَوفَ اِنتِقامِكَ وَالحَديثُ سِرارُ

24. Unless Minuel, edges of the spear, turns away
Or the white one turns from it, and it is heated

٢٤. إِلّا تَنَل مَنويلَ أَطرافُ القَنا
أَو تُثنَ عَنهُ البيضُ وَهيَ حِرارُ

25. He wished that every city was
A deaf mountain and every fortress a cave

٢٥. فَلَقَد تَمَنّى أَنَّ كُلَّ مَدينَةٍ
جَبَلٌ أَصَمُّ وَكُلَّ حِصنٍ غارُ

26. Unless you flee, you have resolved, and your eyes have seen
The extent of war, how it can be fled

٢٦. إِلّا تَفِرَّ فَقَد أَقَمتَ وَقَد رَأَت
عَيناكَ قِدرَ الحَربِ كَيفَ تُفارُ

27. Where you hear the commotion when it intensifies
And see the birds of death when they flap

٢٧. في حَيثُ تَستَمِعُ الهَريرَ إِذا عَلا
وَتَرى عَجاجَ المَوتِ حينَ يُثارُ

28. So look with the eye of courage and you will know
That remaining where you were is fleeing

٢٨. فَاُنظُر بِعَينِ شَجاعَةٍ فَلَتَعلَمَن
أَنَّ المُقامَ بِحَيثُ كُنتَ فِرارُ

29. When their remnants came to you, you gave them
Earlier tidings, and they were plenty

٢٩. لَمّا أَتَتكَ فُلولُهُم أَمدَدتَهُم
بِسَوابِقِ العَبَراتِ وَهيَ غِزارُ

30. And you gave examples of the disgraced, and you can see
That other than this is breach and passage

٣٠. وَضَرَبتَ أَمثالَ الذَليلِ وَقَد تَرى
أَن غَيرُ ذاكَ النَقضُ وَالإِمرارُ

31. Patience is more beautiful, and destiny is imposed
So consent to it, and the evil in it is good

٣١. الصَبرُ أَجمَلُ وَالقَضاءُ مُسَلَّطٌ
فَاِرضَوا بِهِ وَالشَرُّ فيهِ خِيارُ

32. How the ear has pulled you to listen to the slanderers
It gives the tongue whatever it wants

٣٢. هَيهاتَ جاذَبَكَ الأَعِنَّةَ باسِلٌ
يُعطي الأَسِنَّةَ كُلَّ ما تَختارُ

33. He would have passed even if the fire was before him
With the sword, unless the fire was an ally

٣٣. فَمَضى لَو اَنَّ النارَ دونَكَ خاضَها
بِالسَيفِ إِلّا أَن تَكونَ النارُ

34. Until the truth returns, and it is the only demand
From you, and the religion has no vengeance in you

٣٤. حَتّى يَؤوبَ الحَقُّ وَهُوَ المُشتَفي
مِنكُم وَما لِلدينِ فيكُم ثارُ

35. Praise be to Abu Saeed, he is pure
Hospitality for the guest, no deficiency in it

٣٥. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ أَبي سَعيدٍ إِنَّهُ
لِلضَيفِ مَحضٌ لَيسَ فيهِ سَمارُ

36. When you liberated the frontier, it became high
For Rome from that neighborhood, a neighborhood

٣٦. لَمّا حَلَلتَ الثَغرَ أَصبَحَ عالِياً
لِلرومِ مِن ذاكَ الجِوارِ جُوارُ

37. And they were certain when your sea raged and that
Roaring reverberated and the visiting was dear

٣٧. وَاِستَيقَنوا إِذ جاشَ بَحرُكَ وَاِرتَقى
ذاكَ الزَئيرُ وَعَزَّ ذاكَ الزارُ

38. That you are not a good neighbor for the old ways
Unless you were a terrible neighbor indeed

٣٨. أَن لَستَ نِعمَ الجارُ لِلسُنَنِ الأولى
إِلّا إِذا ما كُنتَ بِئسَ الجارُ

39. Awake, fearing that the polytheists would assail him
Humble, so even the tyrant yields to him

٣٩. يَقِظٌ يَخافُ المُشرِكونَ شَذاتَهُ
مُتَواضِعٌ يَعنو لَهُ الجَبّارُ

40. Meek, his riding animals when his journeys
Delay, so his worries are journeys

٤٠. ذُلُلٌ رَكائِبُهُ إِذا ما اِستَأخَرَت
أَسفارُهُ فَهُمومُهُ أَسفارُ

41. He travels when worries travel as if he is
The star of darkness, attacking when attacking

٤١. يَسري إِذا سَرَتِ الهُمومُ كَأَنَّهُ
نَجمُ الدُجى وَيُغيرُ حينَ يُغارُ

42. Their veins have carried him in a group
The axis of calamity, a pillar and revolving for them

٤٢. سَمَقَت بِهِ أَعراقُهُ في مَعشَرٍ
قُطبُ الوَغى نُصُبٌ لَهُم وَدَوارُ

43. They do not mind if they fatten while
Their lifespans diminish and the years descend

٤٣. لا يَأسَفونَ إِذا هُمُ سَمِنَت لَهُم
أَحسابُهُم أَن تُهزَلَ الأَعمارُ

44. Frowning in his planting, his supporters
When battling as if they are supporters

٤٤. مُتَبَهِّمٌ في غَرسِهِ أَنصارُهُ
عِندَ النِزالِ كَأَنَّهُم أَنصارُ

45. Rude in the manner of traders, and they
Tomorrow, with what they hoarded for him, are traders

٤٥. لُفُظٌ لِأَخلاقِ التِجارِ وَإِنَّهُم
لَغَداً بِما اِدَّخَروا لَهُ لَتِجارُ

46. And tested, given to drink of his might
So when they meet it is as if they are floods

٤٦. وَمُجَرِّبونَ سَقاهُمُ مِن بَأسِهِ
فَإِذا لُقوا فَكَأَنَّهُم أَغمارُ

47. Insistent with steadfastness for the critic, meeting him
Is a grave danger when the brave one endangers

٤٧. عُكُفٌ بِجِذلٍ لِلطِعانِ لِقاؤُهُ
خَطَرٌ إِذا خَطَرَ القَنا الخَطّارُ

48. And the white ones know he did not waste a debt
Since he gave it to them, and no bridle was lost

٤٨. وَالبيضُ تَعلَمُ أَنَّ ديناً لَم يَضِع
مُذ سَلَّهُنَّ وَلا أُضيعَ ذِمارُ

49. And when the stiff-necked, twisted one flew, their arrows
Slaughter locusts, the arrows fly when flown

٤٩. وَإِذا القِسِيُّ العوجُ طارَت نَبلُها
سَومَ الجَرادَ يَسيحُ حينَ يُطارُ

50. Their bow-strings guaranteed and their strings pledged
To snap the strings

٥٠. ضَمِنَت لَهُ أَعجاسُها وَتَكَفَّلَت
أَوتارُها أَن تُنقَضَ الأَوتارُ

51. So leave the path, O son of the path, to a scholar
Indeed, the huge caravan is steered

٥١. فَدَعوا الطَريقَ بَني الطَريقِ لِعالِمٍ
أَنّي يُقادُ الجَحفَلُ الجَرّارُ

52. If your hands were long, they would fall
Short of him, so how can they be while short

٥٢. لَو أَنَّ أَيدِيَكُم طِوالٌ قَصَّرَت
عَنهُ فَكَيفَ تَكونُ وَهيَ قِصارُ

53. He is the star of Islam, what darkness
Does he pierce that the disbelief therein is pustules

٥٣. هُوَ كَوكَبُ الإِسلامِ أَيَّةَ ظُلمَةٍ
يَخرِق فَمُخُّ الكُفرِ فيها رارُ

54. You left their land with your horses in the calamity
As if their most invincible had a racecourse

٥٤. غادَرتَ أَرضَهُمُ بِخَيلِكَ في الوَغى
وَكَأَنَّ أَمنَعَها لَها مِضمارُ

55. And you stayed in it, slowly, until we thought
It was your abode

٥٥. وَأَقَمتَ فيها وادِعاً مُتَمَهِّلاً
حَتّى ظَنَنّا أَنَّها لَكَ دارُ

56. With the kingdom pleased from you, sustainer of its greatness
Satisfied, and the world settled upon you

٥٦. بِالمُلكِ عَنكَ رِضاً وَجابِرُ عَظمِهِ
أَرضى وَبِالدُنيا عَلَيكَ قَرارُ

57. And I saw the meadows laden and fertile
Since you were in them and the clouds were rain

٥٧. وَأَرى الرِياضَ حَوامِلاً وَمَطافِلاً
مُذ كُنتَ فيها وَالسَحابُ عِشارُ

58. Our days are burnished, their edges
By you, and all the nights are daybreak

٥٨. أَيّامُنا مَصقولَةٌ أَطرافُها
بِكَ وَاللَيالي كُلُّها أَسحارُ

59. Your chastity guides the chaste, and you have breakfast
Gently with your visitors, the visitors

٥٩. تَندى عُفاتُكَ لِلعُفاةِ وَتَغتَدي
رِفقاً إِلى زُوّارِكَ الزُوّارُ

60. My resolves are suspended upon you, their necks
Bound, indeed loyalty is fetters

٦٠. هِمَمي مُعَلَّقَةٌ عَلَيكَ رِقابُها
مَغلولَةٌ إِنَّ الوَفاءَ إِسارُ

61. And my love for you is not shamed, but when
The full moons of the heart are shamed

٦١. وَمَوَدَّتي لَكَ لا تُعارُ بَلى إِذا
ما كانَ تامورُ الفُؤادِ يُعارُ

62. And people other than you, if my love for them
Changed when they departed, did they help or protect?

٦٢. وَالناسُ غَيرَكَ ما تَغَيَّرُ حُبوَتي
لِفِراقِهِم هَل أَنجَدوا أَو غاروا

63. And for that my poetry about you - they have heard of it
Magic, and my poems to them are poems

٦٣. وَلِذاكَ شِعري فيكَ قَد سَمِعوا بِهِ
سِحرٌ وَأَشعاري لَهُم أَشعارُ

64. So be safe, and do not cease, may you be fortunate
Among us, and may the destinies fall short of you

٦٤. فَاِسلَم وَلا يَنفَكُّ يَحظوكَ الرَدى
فينا وَتَسقُطُ دونَكَ الأَقدارُ