
Take the lessons of your eyes about my peers,

خذي عبرات عينك عن زماعي

1. Take the lessons of your eyes about my peers,
And protect me from what I have uncovered of pretense,

١. خُذي عَبَراتِ عَينِكِ عَن زَماعي
وَصوني ما أَزَلتِ مِنَ القِناعِ

2. Lessen your crying, it has constricted my patience,
And my arms did not narrow with degradation,

٢. أَقِلّي قَد أَضاقَ بُكاكِ ذَرعي
وَما ضاقَت بِنازِلَةٍ ذِراعي

3. How often does the weeping of parting recur,
It lingered so it called for gathering,

٣. أَآلِفَةَ النَحيبِ كَمِ اِفتِراقٍ
أَظَلَّ فَكانَ داعِيَةَ اِجتِماعِ

4. And the joy of intimacy is not but
For one paused at the sadness of farewell,

٤. وَلَيسَت فَرحَةُ الأَوباتِ إِلّا
لِمَوقوفٍ عَلى تَرَحِ الوَداعِ

5. It hurts her that she saw my body thin,
As if glory is attained through wrestling,

٥. تَوَجَّعُ أَن رَأَت جِسمي نَحيفاً
كَأَنَّ المَجدَ يُدرَكُ بِالصِراعِ

6. The young man of misfortunes, where does he lodge when
Destiny plucked him to nature and fickleness,

٦. فَتى النَكَباتِ مَن يَأوي إِذا ما
قَطَفنَ بِهِ إِلى خُلُقٍ وَساعِ

7. He stirs clamor in every cheek,
Afflicted by the son of wretchedness,

٧. يُثيرُ عَجاجَةً في كُلِّ ثَغرٍ
يَهيمُ بِهِ عَدِيُّ بنُ الرِقاعِ

8. He frequented the deserts with predators until
The predators felt pity for him over predators,

٨. أَبَنَّ مَعَ السِباعِ القَفرَ حَتّى
لَخالَتهُ السِباعُ مِنَ السِباعِ

9. So mind reason if you attempt one day
To undertake other than the feasible,

٩. فَلَبِّ الحَزمَ إِن حاوَلتَ يَوماً
بِأَن تَسطيعَ غَيرَ المُستَطاعِ

10. You did not travel like the she-camel of the skilled,
And your worries were not ridden like the palms,

١٠. فَلَم تَرحَل كَناجِيَةِ المَهاري
وَلَم تُركَب هُمومَكَ كَالزَماعِ

11. With Mahdi bin Asram my lute returned,
To its pouring and my hand stretched,

١١. بِمَهدِيِّ بنِ أَصرَمَ عادَ عودي
إِلى اِيراقِهِ وَاِمتَدَّ باعي

12. I stretched my hand over the days until
I repaid the turns of fate, measure for measure,

١٢. أَطالَ يَدي عَلى الأَيّامِ حَتّى
جَزَيتُ صُروفَها صاعاً بِصاعِ

13. When the censors of poetry grew harsh, their gifts became
Meadows for them and they are pastures for it,

١٣. إِذا أَكدَت سَوامُ الشِعرِ أَضحَت
عَطاياهُ وَهُنَّ لَها مَراعي

14. Gardens from which manners do not depart,
And which are not devoid of great ambitions,

١٤. رِياضٌ لا يَشِذُّ العُرفُ عَنها
وَلا تَخلو مِنَ الهِمَمِ الرِتاعِ

15. He strove and drew honor by capability,
And without striving there would be no efforts,

١٥. سَعى فَاِستَنزَلَ الشَرَفَ اِقِتِداراً
وَلَولا السَعيُ لَم تَكُن المَساعي

16. O Mahdi, you would live on bestowal,
You have surely been blamed for one not alert,

١٦. أَمَهدِيّاً لَحَيتَ عَلى نَوالٍ
لَقَد حُكتِ المَلامَ لِغَيرِ واعِ

17. You wanted what dignities cannot be disobeyed,
That bounty be disobeyed and you obeyed,

١٧. أَرَدتِ بِحَيثُ لا تُعصى المَعالي
بِأَن يُعصى النَدى وَبِأَن تُطاعي

18. The champion of help, when the nights
Spread out and their cold pierces in knocking,

١٨. عَميدُ الغَوثِ إِن نُوَبُ اللَيالي
سَطَت وَقَريعُها عِندَ القِراعِ

19. Often, the calamities provoke him
And his zeal is to the honored, preserved wares,

١٩. كَثيراً ما تُشَوِّقُهُ العَوالي
وَهِمَّتُهُ إِلى العَلَقِ المُتاعِ

20. As if meeting the fright in the morning is
A tryst prescribed for him, the valiant described,

٢٠. كَأَنَّ بِهِ غَداةَ الرَوعِ وِرداً
وَقَد وُصِفَت لَهُ نَفسُ الشُجاعِ

21. For dying with generosity and piety
Is more beloved to him than excellence in defense,

٢١. لَحُسنُ المَوتِ في كَرَمٍ وَتَقوى
أَحَبُّ إِلَيهِ مِن حُسنِ الدِفاعِ

22. And the tune of one hoping for death is sweeter
To his ears than the tune of musical instruments,

٢٢. وَنَغمَةُ مُعتَفٍ يَرجوهُ أَحلى
عَلى أُذنَيهِ مِن نَغَمِ السَماعِ

23. You have made generosity the banners of efforts,
Can there be a sun without rays?

٢٣. جَعَلتَ الجودَ لَألاءَ المَساعي
وَهَل شَمسٌ تَكونُ بِلا شُعاعِ

24. And nothing in the earth disobeys more stubbornly
Than bounty guiding to obedience,

٢٤. وَما في الأَرضِ أَعصى لِاِمتِناعٍ
يَسوقُ الذَمَّ مِن جودٍ مُطاعِ

25. And nothing preserves the yield of glory
Like wealth spent,

٢٥. وَلَم يَحفَظ مُضاعَ المَجدِ شَيءٌ
مِنَ الأَشياءِ كَالمالِ المُضاعِ

26. May God shepherd you to kindness, I see you
As one not shepherding his own wealth,

٢٦. رَعاكَ اللَهُ لِلمَعروفِ إِنّي
أَراكَ لِسَرحِ مالِكِ غَيرَ راعي

27. And no glorious nobility you preceded with it,
Nor nature you preceded with it,

٢٧. فَما في الأَرضِ مِن شَرَفٍ يَفاعٍ
سُبِقتَ بِهِ وَلا خُلُقٍ يَفاعِ

28. Your resolve is like the resolve of torrents, its
Strength by the valley's sides and twisting,

٢٨. لَعَزمُكَ مِثلُ عَزمِ السَيلِ شُدَّت
قُواهُ بِالمَذانِبِ وَالتِلاعِ

29. And your view is like the view of the sword, the
Correctness of its edge at the trial,

٢٩. وَرَأيُكَ مِثلُ رَأيِ السَيفِ صَحَّت
مَشورَةُ حَدِّهِ عِندَ المِصاعِ

30. So if you pictured yourself, you would not increase it
Beyond the nobility of nature in you.

٣٠. فَلَو صَوَّرتَ نَفسَكَ لَم تَزِدها
عَلى ما فيكَ مِن كَرَمِ الطِباعِ