
My father called your cheeks a fleeting moment

دعا أبي اللحظ خداكا

1. My father called your cheeks a fleeting moment
And eyes gazed upon your eyes

١. دَعا أَبِيُّ اللَحظِ خَدّاكا
وَاِمتَرَتِ الأَعيُنُ عَيناكا

2. I still hope for you as I always have
My lord since I feared you

٢. ما زِلتُ أَرجوكَ كَما لَم أَزَل
يا سَيِّدي مُذ كُنتُ أَخشاكا

3. By God, if wishes were granted I would want
Nothing but to kiss your mouth

٣. وَاللَهِ لَو أُعطِيَ المُنى لَم أُرِد
إِلّا اِستِلاماً بِفَمي فاكا

4. The ambition of one who left or
One day hoped for you has waned

٤. قَد بَعُدَت هِمَّةُ مَن راحَ أَو
أَصبَحَ يَوماً يَتَمَنّاكا