
My soul is the ransom of Muhammad and his protection,

نفسي فداء محمد ووقاؤه

1. My soul is the ransom of Muhammad and his protection,
And I have lied that in the two worlds there is his ransom,

١. نَفسي فِداءُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَوِقاؤُهُ
وَكَذَبتُ ما في العالَمينَ فِداؤُهُ

2. You claimed that the gazelle narrates its eyelash,
And the wrist is a branch in which its water flowed,

٢. أَزَعَمتَ أَنَّ الظَبيَ يَحكَي طَرفَهُ
وَالقَدُّ غُصنٌ جالَ فيهِ ماؤُهُ

3. I am silent so where is its light, brilliance,
Its perfection, intelligence, and shyness?

٣. أُسكُت فَأَينَ ضِياؤُهُ وَبَهاؤُهُ
وَكَمالُهُ وَذَكاؤُهُ وَحَياؤُهُ

4. The names of sailor and guide do not avail
For other than him, for they are his names,

٤. لا تُغنِ أَسماءُ المَلاحَةِ وَالحِجى
فيمَن سِواهُ فَإِنَّها أَسماؤُهُ

5. The lover has shed the garment of stinginess,
So his shirt is long sighing and his cloak is illness,

٥. عَرِيَ المُحِبُّ مِنَ الضَنا فَقَميصُهُ
طولُ التَأَوُّهِ وَالسَقامُ رِداؤُهُ

6. If it were said "Ask and you will be given your wishes,"
My wish would be that his Master saw his crying,

٦. لَو قيلَ سَل تُعطَ المُنى كانَ المُنى
أَن لَو رَأى مَولاهُ كَيفَ بُكاؤُهُ

7. Why, O friends, do you do this to his heart
What his enemies do not do to him?

٧. أَحبابَهُ لِم تَفعَلونَ بِقَلبِهِ
ما لَيسَ يَفعَلُهُ بِهِ أَعداؤُهُ

8. A rain of tears, my cheek is its land,
Until morning, and my eyelids are its sky.

٨. مَطَرٌ مِنَ العَبَراتِ خَدّي أَرضُهُ
حَتّى الصَباحَ وَمُقلَتايَ سَماؤُهُ