
The swimmer steadily ripping through the waters

وسابح هطل التعداء هتان

1. The swimmer steadily ripping through the waters
On the sands, loyal, no treachery in his strides

١. وَسابِحٍ هَطِلِ التَعداءِ هَتّانِ
عَلى الجِراءِ أَمينٍ غَيرِ خَوّانِ

2. He endured the harshest of deserts, yet his limbs were not parched
Rest your eyes from the thirsty, upon the sated rainclouds

٢. أَظمى الفُصوصِ وَلَم تَظمَأ قَوائِمُهُ
فَخَلِّ عَينَيكَ في ظَمآنَ رَيّانِ

3. If you could but see him pacing as the pebbles crack
Beneath the windows, paired steps then alone

٣. فَلَو تَراهُ مُشيحاً وَالحَصى فِلَقٌ
تَحتَ السَنابِكِ مِن مَثنىً وَوُحدانِ

4. You would swear that his hooves, unless you were certain
Were of Tadmor's rock or the face of Othman

٤. حَلَفتَ إِن لَم تَثَبَّت أَنَّ حافِرَهُ
مِن صَخرِ تَدمُرَ أَو مِن وَجهِ عُثمانِ