1. He was brought to the house, away from his kin,
And the rope was cast over his grave.
١. نَأَت بِهِ الدارُ عَن أَقارِبِهِ
فَأُلقِيَ الحَبلُ فَوقَ غارِبِهِ
2. She lived for her beloved, denying him,
While hope in attaining her died.
٢. عاشَت لِمَحبوبِهِ مُمانَعَةٌ
ماتَ عَلَيها رَجاءُ طالِبِهِ
3. Beauty assembled in him, though minds
Differed in appraising his worth.
٣. اِتَّفَقَ الحُسنُ فيهِ وَاِختَلَفَت
مَذاهِبُ العَقلِ في مَذاهِبِهِ
4. I have not seen a full moon such as you,
With no need for the stars' company.
٤. لَم أَرَ بَدراً سِواكَ مُعتَدِلاً
بِهِ اِفتِقارٌ إِلى كَواكِبِهِ
5. Woe to rough youth who tried your hardness -
A soft side would have better fit his touch.
٥. وَيلُمِّ صَبٍّ رَمى صُعوبَتَكَ ال
أولى فَلانَت بِلينِ جانِبِهِ
6. You made one marvel, though he never thought
Through to the consequences at start.
٦. أَلقاكَ في مُعجِبٍ أَوائِلُهُ
فَما تَفَكَّرتَ في عَواقِبِهِ
7. When a man has sweetness, no wonder
That people eat of his sweets.
٧. وَمَن يَكُن طَيِّباً فَلا عَجَبٌ
أَن يَأكُلَ الناسُ مِن أَطايِبِهِ