
Your judgment of what I conceal is wisdom

ظنك فيما أسره حكم

1. Your judgment of what I conceal is wisdom
Satisfying to me, and your glance is understanding.

١. ظَنُّكَ فيما أُسِرُّهُ حَكَمُ
أَرضى بِهِ لي وَطَرفُكَ الفَهِمُ

2. How can I complain when you show no mercy?
With kindness, bounty does not dwell.

٢. كَيفَ سُلُوّي وَلَستَ تَرحَمُني
لَيسَ بِهَذا تُجاوَرُ النِعَمُ

3. You trusted my heart to your love, yet
My heart for what you entrusted cannot be blamed.

٣. أَمِنتَ قَلبي عَلى هَواكَ فَما
قَلبي عَلى ما اِئتَمَنتَ يُتَّهَمُ

4. I revealed from love's agony much distress
But patience save from love is nobility.

٤. أَظهَرتُ مِن لَوعَةِ الهَوى جَزَعاً
وَالصَبرُ إِلّا عَنِ الهَوى كَرَمُ