1. On the likes of her, of pure descent and noble play,
The stars of heaven cast down their veils in homage.
١. عَلى مِثلِها مِن أَربُعٍ وَمَلاعِبِ
أُذيلَت مَصوناتُ الدُموعِ السَواكِبِ
2. To a lover consumed with yearning's smart I say -
No healing comes to one whose love's derangement
٢. أَقولُ لِقُرحانٍ مِنَ البَينِ لَم يُضِف
رَسيسَ الهَوى تَحتَ الحَشا وَالتَرائِبِ
3. Still swells his heart beneath a cloak of melancholy.
Help me divide my tears! Their unity I see
٣. أَعِنّي أُفَرِّق شَملَ دَمعي فَإِنَّني
أَرى الشَملَ مِنهُم لَيسَ بِالمُتَقارِبِ
4. No more. Disunion's now their fate. Distraught, disconsolate am I.
No enemy is yours this day. Your ignorance
٤. وَما صارَ في ذا اليَومِ عَذلُكَ كُلُّهُ
عَدُوِّيَ حَتّى صارَ جَهلُكَ صاحِبي
5. Has turned against me and become my closest intimate.
In me no guidance did you seek. You only thought
٥. وَما بِكَ إِركابي مِنَ الرُشدِ مَركَباً
أَلا إِنَّما حاوَلتَ رُشدَ الرَكائِبِ
6. To tutor one who rode the winds and walked the seas.
Leave me to my passion and the mysteries of love,
٦. فَكِلني إِلى شَوقي وَسِر يَسِرِ الهَوى
إِلى حُرُقاتي بِالدُموعِ السَوارِبِ
7. To burn in tears rushing like floods, torrents from my eyes.
Is this how you reward your lover's constancy,
٧. أَمَيدانَ لَهوي مَن أَتاحَ لَكَ البِلى
فَأَصبَحتَ مَيدانَ الصَبا وَالجَنائِبِ
8. Becoming thus the giddy world of maid and youth?
New brides assailed me, scattering my love abroad,
٨. أَصابَتكَ أَبكارُ الخُطوبِ فَشَتَّتَت
هَوايَ بِأَبكارِ الظِباءِ الكَواعِبِ
9. Like fleeing deer before the baying hounds unleashed.
They ride their steeds and none can stop their wanton power.
٩. وَرَكبٍ يُساقونَ الرِكابَ زُجاجَةً
مِنَ السَيرِ لَم تَقصِد لَها كَفُّ قاطِبِ
10. No hand can seize their reins, no cry their heedless course impede.
Swifter than mirage-bolts they raced into the gloom
١٠. فَقَد أَكَلوا مِنها الغَوارِبَ بِالسُرى
فَصارَت لَها أَشباحُهُم كَالغَوارِبِ
11. And like mirage their forms melted in the murk and haze.
The tresses of the dawn he takes at whim and sweeps
١١. يُصَرِّفُ مَسراها جُذَيلُ مَشارِقٍ
إِذا آبَهُ هَمٌّ عُذَيقُ مَغارِبِ
12. Them back, as evening shadows throng from east to west.
He sees the morning star at nightfall in the Pleiades
١٢. يَرى بِالكَعابِ الرَودِ طَلعَةَ ثائِرٍ
وَبِالعِرمِسِ الوَجناءِ غُرَّةَ آيِبِ
13. And then at dawn the ruddy glow within the Hyades.
As though he bore the burdens of all men, but wished
١٣. كَأَنَّ بِهِ ضِغناً عَلى كُلِّ جانِبٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ أَو شَوقاً إِلى كُلِّ جانِبِ
14. For more, still burdened by the world's immensity.
Whenever the Virgins rose to meet Abu Dhulf, then all
١٤. إِذا العيسُ لاقَت بي أَبا دُلَفٍ فَقَد
تَقَطَّعَ ما بَيني وَبَينَ النَوائِبِ
15. Between us was cut off. Gone happiness and peace!
For there men's generosity was pledged and glory's train
١٥. هُنالِكَ تَلقى الجودَ حَيثُ تَقَطَّعَت
تَمائِمُهُ وَالمَجدَ مُرخى الذَوائِبِ
16. Unrolled its banners outspread in the winds at large.
His gifts could drive one mad, did not the hand restrain,
١٦. تَكادُ عَطاياهُ يُجَنُّ جُنونُها
إِذا لَم يُعَوِّذها بِنَغمَةِ طالِبِ
17. Curb their wild frenzy with the poet's gentle touch.
Ambition shook him and his gifts put on new guises,
١٧. إِذا حَرَّكَتهُ هِزَّةُ المَجدِ غَيَّرَت
عَطاياهُ أَسماءَ الأَماني الكَواذِبِ
18. Exchanging their old names for empty, windy boasts.
His songs poured from his throat till they could barely breathe,
١٨. تَكادُ مَغانيهِ تَهِشُّ عِراصُها
فَتَركَبُ مِن شَوقٍ إِلى كُلِّ راكِبِ
19. Gasping with love and yearning for each listener's heart.
If he set out one morn, his wealth's bright fountainhead,
١٩. إِذا ما غَدا أَغدى كَريمَةَ مالِهِ
هَدِيّاً وَلَو زُفَّت لِأَلأَمِ خاطِبِ
20. His bounty flowed - though brides made far more modest claims.
To him the ugliest thing seemed like the morn's first light,
٢٠. يَرى أَقبَحَ الأَشياءِ أَوبَةَ آيِبٍ
كَسَتهُ يَدُ المَأمولِ حُلَّةَ خائِبِ
21. Which disappointment's hand had clothed in radiant hues.
Fairer than fairest light, bounty's whiteness shone
٢١. وَأَحسَنُ مِن نَورٍ تُفَتِّحُهُ الصَبا
بَياضُ العَطايا في سَوادِ المَطالِبِ
22. Against the gloom, a darkness cleft by suppliants' cries.
When War's black standards rose and sovereigns of strongholds,
٢٢. إِذا أَلجَمَت يَوماً لُجَيمٌ وَحَولَها
بَنو الحِصنِ نَجلُ المُحصِناتِ النَجائِبِ
23. Nobles and dames from curtained litters stared aghast,
Then doom and death and steel were kinsmen. Not in name
٢٣. فَإِنَّ المَنايا وَالصَوارِمَ وَالقَنا
أَقارِبُهُم في الرَوعِ دونَ الأَقارِبِ
24. Alone they were related. In their terrible, fearsome might,
No creature did they spare of overweening pride
٢٤. جَحافِلُ لا يَترُكنَ ذا جَبَرِيَّةٍ
سَليماً وَلا يَحرُبنَ مَن لَم يُحارِبِ
25. Or enemy that shunned and sought no war with them.
Their hands stretched forth destroying swords to rend and crush,
٢٥. يَمُدّونَ مِن أَيدٍ عَواصٍ عَواصِمٍ
تَصولُ بِأَسيافٍ قَواضٍ قَواضِبِ
26. Brandished by warriors, thirsty blades that drink their fill of blood.
Their horses roamed through battle's realm and hacked apart
٢٦. إِذا الخَيلُ جابَت قَسطَلَ الحَربِ صَدَّعوا
صُدورَ العَوالي في صُدورِ الكَتائِبِ
27. The foe till spear and sword dripped red with flowing gore.
Once Tameem proudly vaunted their superior bows
٢٧. إِذا اِفتَخَرَت يَوماً تَميمٌ بِقَوسِها
وَزادَت عَلى ما وَطَّدَت مِن مَناقِبِ
28. And all the glory binding fame about their name,
Your swords at Dhi Qar struck down those noble lords
٢٨. فَأَنتُم بِذي قارٍ أَمالَت سُيوفُكُم
عُروشَ الَّذينَ اِستَرهَنوا قَوسَ حاجِبِ
29. Who made their eyebrows' bow the bowmen's guarantee.
When you compare your glorious deeds with actions of men
٢٩. مَحاسِنُ مِن مَجدٍ مَتى تَقرِنوا بِها
مَحاسِنَ أَقوامٍ تَكُن كَالمَعايِبِ
30. Whose repute is stained, yours shine out pure and free of blame.
Your virtues soar to the sublime, as though they strove
٣٠. مَكارِمُ لَجَّت في عُلُوٍّ كَأَنَّها
تُحاوِلُ ثَأراً عِندَ بَعضِ الكَواكِبِ
31. To rival planets in their orbits through the heavens high.
The keeper of the cloak knows well - and he alone secures
٣١. وَقَد عَلِمَ الأَفشينُ وَهوَ الَّذي بِهِ
يُصانُ رِداءُ المُلكِ عَن كُلِّ جاذِبِ
32. The raiment of the throne from every grasping hand -
That when perils pressed round you and trials came in force,
٣٢. بِأَنَّكَ لَمّا اِسحَنكَكَ الأَمرُ وَاِكتَسى
أَهابِيَّ تَسفي في وُجوهِ التَجارِبِ
33. You faced them with strong hearts, disdainful of misfortune's blows.
With wisdom then you counselled him till wisdom filled his eyes,
٣٣. تَجَلَّلتَهُ بِالرَأيِ حَتّى أَرَيتَهُ
بِهِ مِلءَ عَينَيهِ مَكانَ العَواقِبِ
34. Blinding them to all but what the wise diviner sees.
Brilliant, when clouds of doom burst over them, you drew
٣٤. بِأَرشَقَ إِذ سالَت عَلَيهِم غَمامَةٌ
جَرَت بِالعَوالي وَالعِتاقِ الشَوازِبِ
35. Your sword and spear, twin meteors blazing through the dark.
In war's upheaval you were like the subtlest spells,
٣٥. نَضَوتَ لَهُ رَأيَينَ سَيفاً وَمُنصَلاً
وَكُلٌّ كَنَجمٍ في الدُجُنَّةِ ثاقِبِ
36. Beyond all trickery, victors in the game of war.
Thus he recalls you in his heart of hearts and you
٣٦. وَكُنتَ مَتى تُهزَز لِخَطبٍ تُغَشِّهِ
ضَرائِبَ أَمضى مِن رِقاقِ المَضارِبِ
37. Remain his closest confidant, the best that may aspire
To fame and fortune's utmost; none shall reach so high.
٣٧. فَذِكرُكَ في قَلبِ الخَليفَةِ بَعدَها
خَليفَتُكَ المُقفى بِأَعلى المَراتِبِ
38. And if he forgets or malice whispers, let it die.
To him you're there though absent, gone, yet still in view.
٣٨. فَإِن تَنسَ يَذكُر أَو يَقُل فيكَ حاسِدٌ
يَفِل قَولُهُ أَو تَنأَ دارٌ تُصاقِبِ
39. Both, neither, seen yet hidden from his searching eye.
To you we sent the poet, wanderer in verse, once he
٣٩. فَأَنتَ لَدَيهِ حاضِرٌ غَيرُ حاضِرٍ
جَميعاً وَعَنهُ غائِبٌ غَيرُ غائِبِ
40. Had loitered long amid the gardens of sublime conceits,
Where marvels met like old companions. At your court
٤٠. إِلَيكَ أَرَحنا عازِبَ الشِعرِ بَعدَما
تَمَهَّلَ في رَوضِ المَعاني العَجائِبِ
41. They lost their strangeness, put aside their odd, exotic traits.
If verse could die your palace fount alone gave birth
٤١. غَرائِبُ لاقَت في فِنائِكَ أُنسَها
مِنَ المَجدِ فَهيَ الآنَ غَيرُ غَرائِبِ
42. To springs whose flow nourished the ages as they passed.
But verse is reason's branch; from it clouds massed on high
٤٢. وَلَو كانَ يَفنى الشِعرُ أَفناهُ ما قَرَت
حِياضُكَ مِنهُ في العُصورِ الذَواهِبِ
43. Drip down in welcome rain when drought has parched the earth.
I say to my companions: "He's the solution, he untied
٤٣. وَلَكِنَّهُ صَوبُ العُقولِ إِذا اِنجَلَت
سَحائِبُ مِنهُ أُعقِبَت بِسَحائِبِ
44. The knot of differences where creeds diverged in doubt."
And I hope your gifts reward my own poor eclogues, made
٤٤. أَقولُ لِأَصحابي هُوَ القاسِمُ الَّذي
بِهِ شَرَحَ الجودُ اِلتِباسَ المَذاهِبِ
45. A sea of generosity to answer my scant drops of praise.
٤٥. وَإِنّي لَأَرجو أَن تَرُدَّ رَكائِبي
مَواهِبُهُ بَحراً تُرَجّى مَواهِبي