
How beautiful that you do not answer your brother

أجميل ما لك لا تجيب أخاكا

1. How beautiful that you do not answer your brother
What is it, by Allah, that has made you so arrogant?

١. أَجَميلُ ما لَكَ لا تُجيبُ أَخاكا
ماذا الَّذي بِاللَهِ أَنتَ دَهاكا

2. You have gained riches, but I have no need
Of the blessings of Allah that He has bestowed upon you

٢. أَغِنىً ظَفِرتَ بِهِ فَإِنّي في غِنىً
مِن نِعمَةِ اللَهِ الَّتي أَعطاكا

3. Rather, I have not forgotten, and I do not blame you, my friend
And if you have, it is an incident that made you forget

٣. بَل لا نَسيتَ وَلا أَلومُكَ خُلَّتي
وَلَئِن فَعَلتَ لَحادِثٌ أَنساكا

4. One day you will lament your poor judgement, for it
Is an errant opinion that has long led you astray

٤. سَتَلومُ يَوماً سوءَ رَأيِكَ إِنَّهُ
رَأيٌ غَوِيٌّ طالَما أَرداكا