1. I weep profusely, then weep some more
As I grieve, lament, and implore
١. أَعيدي النَوحَ مُعوِلَةً أَعيدي
وَزيدي مِن بُكائِكِ ثُمَّ زيدي
2. My tears flow freely down my cheeks
For the noble man the death reeks
٢. وَقومي حاسِراً في حاسِراتٍ
خَوامِشَ لِلنُحورِ وَلِلخُدودِ
3. He who brought about many calamities
And told the eyes of mortals to shed tear seas
٣. هُوَ الخَطبُ الَّذي اِبتَدَعَ الرَزايا
وَقالَ لِأَعيُنِ الثَقَلَينِ جودي
4. Alas! Khorasan was stricken by the loss of its pride
The morning Umair bin Al Waleed died
٤. أَلا رُزِئَت خُراسانَ فَتاها
غَداةَ ثَوى عُمَيرُ بنُ الوَليدِ
5. Alas! You were afflicted with the death of a helpful advisor
Alas! You were deprived of a beneficial provider
٥. أَلا رُزِئتَ بِمَسؤولٍ مُنيلٍ
أَلا رُزِئتَ بِمِتلافٍ مُفيدِ
6. Indeed, munificence and charity have descended
Where you settled in the sands
٦. أَلا إِنَّ النَدى وَالجودَ حَلّا
بِحَيثُ حَلَلتَ مِن حُفَرِ الصَعيدِ
7. By my soul! You were a king whose fate
Was sealed by a wayward arrow of deadly trait
٧. بِنَفسي أَنتَ مِن مَلِكٍ رَمَتهُ
مَنِيَّتُهُ بِسَهمِ رَدىً سَديدِ
8. The darkness of sadness lifted from his face
Bloodied by his pure vermillion trace
٨. تَجَلَّت غَمرَةُ الهَيجاءِ عَنهُ
خَضيبَ الوَجهِ مِن دَمِهِ الجَسيدِ
9. Oh sea of grief! In the generous year, from him you ebbed
Oh lion of sorrow! Morning came, and pride you robbed
٩. فَيا بَحرَ المَنونِ ذَهَبتَ مِنهُ
بِبَحرِ الجودِ في السَنَةِ الصَلودِ
10. Is it the noble warrior you defeated?
Yes, and the killer of the noble hero you treated
١٠. وَيا أَسَدَ المَنونِ فَرستَ مِنهُ
غَداةَ فَرَستَهُ أَسَدَ الأُسودِ
11. To the stabber he was exposed
As the faces of death rosed
١١. أَبِالبَطَلِ النَجيدِ فَرَستَ مِنهُ
نَعَم وَبِقاتِلِ البَطَلِ النَجيدِ
12. None veiled his head but the sword
That masked him with its steely facade
١٢. تَراءى لِلطِعانِ وَقَد تَراءَت
وُجوهُ المَوتِ مِن حُمرٍ وَسودِ
13. Oh what a majestic fall you brought
That evoked utmost grief and sorrow fraught
١٣. فَلَم يَكُنِ المُقَنَّعَ فيهِ رَأساً
خَلا أَن قَد تَقَنَّعَ بِالحَديدِ
14. Oh what a battlefield you left behind
To torment our hearts for all time
١٤. فَيا لَكَ وَقعَةً جَلَلاً أَعارَت
أَسىً وَصَبابَةً جَلَدَ الجَليدِ
15. Indeed our prince was never remiss
In just rule and care for his people and troops
١٥. وَيا لَكَ ساحَةً أَهدَت غَليلاً
إِلى أَكبادِنا أَبَدَ الأَبيدِ
16. To them he gave generously
Forgiving folly and stupidity
١٦. وَإِنَّ أَميرَنا لَم يَألُ نُصحاً
وَعَدلاً في الرَعايا وَالجُنودِ
17. He stood before death to protect them
Until death gave him the poison cup to sip
١٧. أَفاضَ نَوالُ راحَتِهِ لَدَيهِم
وَسامَحَ بِالطَريفِ وَبِالتَليدِ
18. They could not defeat him
Until faced by lions and snarling hyenas
١٨. وَأَصحَرَ دونَهُم لِلمَوتِ حَتّى
سَقاهُ المَوتُ مِن مَقِرٍ هَبيدِ
19. With stabs penetrating their chests
And blows landing on their heads
١٩. وَما ظَفِروا بِهِ حَتّى قَراهُم
قَشاعِمَ أَنسُرٍ وَضِباعَ بيدِ
20. Oh Tuesday! We woke to your overwhelming calamity
Oh Tuesday! We relied on the pillar of certainty lost
٢٠. بِطَعنٍ في نُحورِهِمُ مَريدٌ
وَضَربٍ في رُؤوسِهِمُ عَنيدِ
21. How many tears you drew from our eyes
How many revered men under your soil now lie
٢١. فَيا يَومَ الثُلاثاءِ اِصطَبَحنا
غَداةً مِنكَ هائِلَةَ الوُرودِ
22. Your birds are not silenced from eulogizing
Your stars not ceased from rising
٢٢. وَيا يَومَ الثُلاثاءِ اِعتُمِدنا
بِفَقدٍ فيكَ لِلسَنَدِ العَميدِ
23. Oh fallen majestic king
Wrapped in death's cloak, coffinled
٢٣. فَكَم أَسخَنتَ مِنّا مِن عُيونٍ
وَكَم أَعثَرتَ فينا مِن جُدودِ
24. I came to your door in utter grief
Overtaken by suffocation and disbelief
٢٤. فَما زُجِرَت طُيورُكَ عَن سَنيحٍ
وَلا طَلَعَت نُجومُكَ بِالسُعودِ
25. I saw neglected steeds
And swords sheathed from heroic deeds
٢٥. أَلا يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُرَدّى
رِداءَ المَوتِ في جَدَثٍ خَديدِ
26. Made either to free a captive
Or slay an arrogant combative
٢٦. حَضَرتُ فَناءَ بابِكَ فَاِعتَراني
شَجىً بَينَ المُخَنَّقِ وَالوَريدِ
27. I saw your hopeful followers' state shift
Fortunes raised them then adrift
٢٧. رَأَيتُ بِهِ مَطايا مُهمَلاتٍ
وَأَفراساً صَوافِنَ بِالوَصيدِ
28. While in your presence they rose so high
In your absence to the ground they doth lie
٢٨. وَكُنَّ عَتادَ إِمّا فَكِّ عانٍ
وَإِمّا قَتلِ طاغِيَةٍ عَنودِ
29. All resigned to despair for your loss
Halting aspiration, settling as dross
٢٩. رَأَيتُ مُؤمِليكَ غَدَت عَلَيهِم
عَوادٍ أَصعَدَتهُم في كُؤودِ
30. To you, delegations stopped their tread
As no reception for them ahead
٣٠. وَأَضحَت عِندَ غَيرِكَ في هُبوطٍ
حُظوظٌ كُنَّ عِندَكَ في صُعودِ
31. Eyes of munificence heated for your intention
As the purpose of this elegy gained traction
٣١. وَكُلُّهُمُ أَعَدَّ اليَأسَ وَقفاً
عَلَيكَ وَنَصَّ راحِلَةَ القُعودِ
٣٢. وَأَصبَحَتِ الوُفودُ إِلَيكَ وَقفاً
عَلى أَلّا مُفادَ لِمُستَفيدِ
٣٣. لَقَد سَخَنَت عُيونُ الجودِ لَمّا
نَوَيتَ وَأُقصِدَت غُرَرُ القَصيدِ