1. Have all the tribes of Adnan ever united
With a leader other than you to command them?
١. هَلِ اِجتَمَعَت أَحياءُ عَدنانَ كُلُّها
بِمُلتَحَمٍ إِلّا وَأنتَ أَميرُها
2. With you Yemen rose above every land
So Taiyi became its crown and its throne
٢. بِكَ اليَمَنُ اِستَعلَت عَلى كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
فَصارَ لِطَيٍّ تاجُها وَسَريرُها
3. Forbidden to our horses are the rear ends of your horses
And their chests and throats are out of bounds
٣. مُحَرَّمَةٌ أَكفالُ خَيلِكَ في الوَغا
وَمَكلومَةٌ لَبّاتُها وَنُحورُها
4. It is forbidden for our spears to pierce the back of a fleeing man
While their chests gleam atop the chests
٤. حَرامٌ عَلى أَرماحِنا طَعنُ مُدبِرٍ
وَتَندَقُّ في أَعلى الصُدورِ صُدورُها