
Now when the pool of gifts became

الآن لما صار حوض الوارد

1. Now when the pool of gifts became
A place exposed to all who come and go,

١. الآنَ لَمّا صارَ حَوضَ الوارِدِ
وَغَدا وَأَصبَحَ عُرضَةً لِلرائِدِ

2. Events rushed in with greetings for the youth,
Promising reform for one corrupt and vile.

٢. دَسَّت إِلَيهِ الحادِثاتُ تَحِيَّةً
فيها صَلاحٌ لِلغُلامِ الفاسِدِ

3. Today gladness replaced a sadness,
Today a sympathizer took the envier's place.

٣. فَاليَومَ عُوِّضَ فَرحَةً مِن تَرحَةٍ
وَاليَومَ بُدِّلَ راحِماً مِن حاسِدِ

4. He made his livelihood a screen for taking bribes
And then fell sick, and came up with a cold excuse.

٤. جَعَلَ الكِتابَةَ لِلإِجارَةِ سُترَةً
وَاِعتَلَّ ثُمَّ أَتى بِعُذرٍ بارِدِ

5. So if he starts to talk, say to him:
"Spare me. I know the way of the Unique Slave."

٥. فَإِذا تَشاغَلَ بِالحَديثِ فَقُل لَهُ
دَع ذا أَتَعرِفُ دَربَ عَبدِ الواحِدِ