1. O Abu Al-Qasim Al-Mahmud, whenever praise is mentioned
You have been endowed with blessings that come and go
١. أَبا القاسِمِ المَحمودَ إِن ذُكِرَ الحَمدُ
وُقيتَ رَزايا ما يَروحُ وَما يَغدو
2. And countries have prospered with you in them, so they became
Familiar territory while their expanse is the desert and their beloved is Nejd
٢. وَطابَت بِلادٌ أَنتَ فيها فَأَصبَحَت
وَمَربَعُها غَورٌ وَمُصطافُها نَجدُ
3. So if you have been afflicted with the extremes of adversity
It's no wonder that the lion sneezes at the rose
٣. فَإِن تَكُ قَد نالَتكَ أَطرافُ وَعكَةٍ
فَلا عَجَبٌ أَن يوعَكَ الأَسَدُ الوَردُ
4. You are safe even if the supplication was named for you
And the one granted its fulfillment was blessed
٤. سَلِمتَ وَإِن كانَت لَكَ الدَعوَةُ اِسمُها
وَكانَ الَّذي يَحظى بِإِنجاحِها السَعدُ
5. For the faces of its people have turned sallow from anxiety
And its banners over you are like the griefs of Al-Azd
٥. فَقَد أَصبَحَت مِن صُفرَةٍ في وُجوهِها
وَراياتِها سِيّانِ غَمّاً بِكَ الأَزدُ
6. It is through us, not you, that complaint, which does no harm
If the blade of the sword fulfills what the scabbard meets
٦. بِنا لا بِكَ الشَكوى فَلَيسَ بِضائِرٍ
إِذا صَحَّ نَصلُ السَيفِ ما لَقِيَ الغِمدُ