
The feast has drawn near - would that the feast had not drawn near its time

دنا العيد ليت العيد لم يدن وقته

1. The feast has drawn near - would that the feast had not drawn near its time
For it has stirred grief in me and increased torment

١. دنا العيدُ ليت العيد لم يدنُ وقته
فقد هاج لي وجداً وزاد عَراما

2. And its approach reminds me of seasons
That have passed, when the gathered family was honorable

٢. وذكرني إقباله بمواسم
مضت كن بالشّمل النظيم كراما

3. I see people busy with their affairs while my affair is to see
My affairs that overwhelm me with flowing tears

٣. أرى الناس في شأنٍ وشأني أن أرى
شؤوني تهمِي بالدموعِ سجاما

4. So who will give me back feasts that return my joy
With melody in which the majesty of perfection is inscribed

٤. فمن لي بأعيادِ تعيدُ مسرتي
بمغنى به خطَّ الجلال حِماما

5. May my letters be blessed with proximity to the wished sanctuary
And so convey to the people of purity greetings of peace

٥. عسى أحرفي تحظى بقربِ منى المنى
فتنهي إلى أهل الصفاء سلاما

6. And kiss the pillars of homes on behalf of a youth
Who fulfills for them the covenant of loyalty completely

٦. وتلثم أركان المنازلِ عن فتى
يقضي لها عهد الوفاء تماما