1. The rain in the unseen, no one knows about it
Except God who blesses the clouds with it
١. الغيث في الغيب لا يدري به أحدٌ
إلا الإله الذي يمني به السحبا
2. Glory be to Him, we cannot encompass what
He has hidden in knowledge, nor know what He has veiled
٢. سبحانه وتعالى لا نحيط بما
أخفاه علماً ولا ندري بما حجبا
3. To His face belongs all praise, we cannot enumerate His praise
Nor can we thank Him enough, as is deserved
٣. لوجهه الحمد لا نحصي الثناءَ له
ولا نطيق له شكراً كما وجبا
4. He gave life to the lands and watered them with His mercy
So its barren parts shook with delight and drank
٤. أحيا البلاد وأرواها برحمته
فاهتز هامدها من بهجةٍ وربا
5. And He did not leave any despair in the souls, nor
Hopelessness, nor disappointment for those who sought
٥. ولم يدع من قنوط في النفوس ولا
يأس ولا خيب الراجيه ما طلبا
6. By God's grace He bestowed good on us
So look to the traces of His mercifulness, you will see wonder
٦. فضلاً من الله أولانا الجميل به
فانظر لآثار رحماه ترى عجبا