
O You who is sanctified from being

يا من تقدس عن أن يحيط وصف بذاته

1. O You who is sanctified from being
Encompassed in any description

١. يا من تقدَّس عن أن
يحيط وصف بذاته

2. And You who transcends in majesty
Above any likeness in Your attributes

٢. ومن تعالى جلالاً
عن مشبهٍ في صفاته

3. And whose acceptance of my praise
Is the greatest of Your gifts

٣. ومن قبولُ ثنائي
إليه أسنى هباته

4. Bless the one who appeared
As the light of guidance in his traits

٤. صلى على من تبدى
نور الهدى من سماته

5. And who ascended in pride when
He reached the heights of Your knowledge

٥. ومن علا الفخر لما
نمى إلى معلواته

6. Muhammad, the best guide
With his patience and calm

٦. محمدٍ خيرَ هادِ
بحلمه وأناته

7. Muhammad, the finest pioneer
Who showed us his miraculous signs

٧. محمد خير مبدٍ
لنا سنا معجزاته

8. You honored him above any prophet
As his ambitions reached the sky in nobility

٨. أكرم به من نبيٍّ
همت سما مكرماته

9. You ennobled him above any messenger
As his stature reached the highest levels

٩. أعززْ به من رسول
سمت علا درجاته

10. And You singled him out
With virtue from Your generosity

١٠. وخصه الله منه
بالفضل من تكرماته

11. When You granted him the most perfect
Blessings in his prayers and his worship

١١. لما حباه بأوفى
صلاته في صلاته