1. The auspiciousness of your rising star is evident
For its sublime ascension brings joy
١. بالسعدِ طالعُك المهلْ
لطلوعه العليا تهلْ
2. It carries blessings galore
Initiating generosity and noble deeds
٢. تَهمي به البركات سـ
ـحّاً والمكارمُ تستهل
3. And the guide to glory is seen
In its reflection, so observe and deduce
٣. ويرى دليلَ العزِّ في
مرآه فأنظرْ واستدل
4. You can see its traits of beauty
Manifest, which of the deduced?
٤. تبصر سماتِ جماله
يظهرنَ أي المستدل
5. A moon saying its brilliance
To the moon is from me, so draw from me
٥. بدرٌ يقول سناؤه
للبدر مني فأستنل
6. And for my image, the walls of excellent qualities
So approach them and take
٦. ولصورتي سور المحا
سن فأقتريها واستمل
7. I have illuminated you with a light you would not have had
Were it not for my ascent you sought
٧. اقبسكَ نوراً لم تكن
لولا علايَ له تصِل
8. So for you is brilliance from my pride
And my ascendant fortunes, resolved and fulfilled
٨. فلك السنا من غرَّتي
ومطالعي حلٌ وبل
9. And for me is the sublime with names
And majesty and position
٩. وليَ التسامي بالأسامي
والجلالة والمحل
10. My father and grandfather, masters
Of the honored and illustrious age
١٠. وأبي وجدي سيدا
العصر المكرم والمجل
11. Who built the edifice of my glory
With determination and firmness
١١. الرافعان بناءَ مجد
ي بالقواضب والأسل
12. And generosity flowed in their direction
Whether asked or not asked
١٢. والجود جاد بصوبه
من ساله أو لم يسل
13. If you know who they are
O moon, then go ask
١٣. إن كنت تعلم من هما
يا بدر أو فاذهب فسل
14. Their mention will inform you about this and that
As the proverb has spread
١٤. ينبيك عن هذا وذا
ذكر كما سار المثل
15. And old glory whose wisdom
The glorious still follow
١٥. وقديم عزٍ حكمه
عند الأعزة ممتثل
16. And praises and poems
That extolled my forefathers
١٦. ومحامدٌ ومحاتد
كرمت بآبائي الأول
17. And merits and virtues
My house, the houses, excelled in them
١٧. وفواضلٌ وفضائل
بيتي البيوت بها فضل
18. And achievements none has pursued
Their tracks, excelled
١٨. ومآثر لم يتبع
آثارها أحد فضل
19. By them the stars are guided
Those seeking the rightest paths
١٩. هنّ النجوم بها أهتدى
من يبتغي أهدى السّبل
20. And virtues elaborated in prose and verse
And positions above, while Saturn
٢٠. ومناقب قدراق منـ
ـهن المفصّل والجمل
21. Remains in the low
Let not the morning sun claim
٢١. ومراتب تعلو فيلـ
ـفي في الحضيض بها زحل
22. My nobility near Aries
For my Lord has the bounties and for me
٢٢. لا تدعي شمس الضحى
شرفي لدى برج الحمل
23. Is the pride, by God's grace the Sublime
And we have been given good tidings with which
٢٣. فلربي النعمى ولي
فخر بحمد الله جل
24. A quarter of bliss has been prepared
Honor through it a son, nothing more auspicious and honorable than a son
٢٤. ولنا جلا البشرى بها
ربع المسرة قد أهل
25. A branch, pure like its roots
Though the most majestic of the majestic
٢٥. أكرمْ به نجلا وما
أسنى وأكرم من نجَل
26. And blessed in his perfection
Perfection itself called him the most noble
٢٦. فرعٌ زكا كأصوله
إن الأجلَّ من الأجل
27. He raced ahead in the first row
From those praying and sitting in the front row
٢٧. ومباركٌ بكماله
نادى الكمال الايجل
28. His traits made happy
The describer from them in awe
٢٨. بزَّ المذكي سابقاً
فمن المصلِّي والمجل
29. They guide those who related speech or improvised it
And the just judge judged
٢٩. أوصافه قد أسعَدت
وصَّافه منها التجل
30. The fairest words about him, the impartial
And he came with attainments the likes of which
٣٠. يهديهما أعجازُ من
روى الكلام أو ارتجل
31. Bring perfect joy
And I was overjoyed with the tidings in which
٣١. وقضى له قاضي لعد
ل القول فيه المعتدلْ
32. My grievance has departed
To God belongs praise
٣٢. وأتى بنائل مثلها
تهدى السُّرور المكتمل
33. Adorned with the jewels of eulogy
Indeed the sources of pride
٣٣. ورفلتُ في البشرى لتي
فيها عتابي قد رحل
34. Rely on witnessing His sublime signs
I rejoiced in him as
٣٤. لله منه طالع
بحلى الممادح مشتمل
35. The hopeful rejoice in hope
When I saw the moon from
٣٥. إن المفاخرَ ركنها
بشهود علياه استقل
36. The horizon of leadership rise
The reasons for the ascent have connected him
٣٦. إني ابتهجت به كما
ابتهج المؤمل بالأمل
37. To glory, continuous
It brings joy, they have indeed
٣٧. لما رأيت البدرَ من
أفق السيادة قد أطل
38. Rejoiced in noble ancestors
And the eyes were delighted when it said
٣٨. وصلتْ به للمجد أسـ
ـباب العلاء المتصل
39. The eyes of glory are delighted in abundance
And I saw in him imaginations
٣٩. يهنَى المعالي إنها
سعدت بجدٍ مقتبَل
40. Of pride saying, "Boast!", so I boasted and left
I exalted in reverence and in
٤٠. وقررت عيناً حين قال قـ
ـر المجد عيناً بالجذل
41. Thanking the Perfecter, I did not fail
And I was delighted at the sweet that
٤١. ولمحت منه مخايلا
للفخر قلن افخر وخل
42. Has no parallel among people
With his offspring, the most auspicious of dress
٤٢. كبّرت إعظاماً وبالش
كر المتمم لم أخلُ
43. The son of the essence of essence
From the elite of masters of humanity
٤٣. وسررت للخل الذي
ما مثله في الناس خل
44. And secret of the first lords
Time was generous with him, so if they said he was stingy
٤٤. بسليله الأسنى اللبا
ب ابن اللباب المنتَخل
45. They wronged him
And he was honored with a penetrating
٤٥. من صفوِ سادات الأنا
م وسر أرباب الأول
46. And far reaching wing he connected with
And greetings like my loyalty
٤٦. جاد الزمان به فقد
ظلموه إن قالوا بخل
47. Will not move away from your abode
With blessings a delegation connects
٤٧. واعتزَّ منه بمرهف
وصل الجناح به وصل
48. To the matter not separate
You remain, and remains, and remains the glory
٤٨. وتحيةً كمودتي
عن ربعكم لا تنتقل
49. As planets rise
And to you the diligent bee of a poet
٤٩. باليمن وفداً يتصل
بالأمر غير المنفصل
50. Not false in claim
٥٠. دمتم ودام ودام عز
كما الكواكبَ ينتعل
٥١. وإليكَ نحلةُ مخلص
للشعر ليس بمنتحِل