
Belgium was not mentioned with peace,

على البلجيك ما ذكرت سلام

1. Belgium was not mentioned with peace,
That would fill mouths with fragrance,

١. على البلجيك ما ذكرت سلامٌ
يفوح فيملأ الافواه عطرا

2. Please the hearing of those who listen to its echo,
And expand the chests of those who recite it.

٢. يشنف اذن سامعه صداه
ويشرح منه اذ يتلوه صدرا

3. I see no path on earth more worthy
Of its fragrance than Belgium.

٣. سلام لا أرى في الارض طرًّا
بنفحتهِ من البلجيك أحرى

4. And who is more deserving of it than Belgium,
Where valor resided and honor settled.

٤. ومن أولى بهِ منها وفيها ال
فخار أقام والشرف أستقرا

5. It came protecting them with deeds,
Gaining praise and thanks through mentioning it.

٥. أتت في حفظها لهما فعالاً
تنال بذكرها مدحاً وشكرا

6. Deeds that in the register of time have become
Lines, written one after another.

٦. فعالاً في سجلِ الدهر أضحت
تدوَّن كلها سطراً فسطرا

7. And in it the mention of the people of this
Country that will remain alive continuously.

٧. وفيها ذكر أهل الارض هذي ال
بلاد يظلُّ حياً مستمرا

8. A country that sacrificed in the path of glory
The most precious thing glory is bought with.

٨. بلاد في سبيل المجد ضحت
بأغلى ما بهِ الامجاد تشرى

9. Souls that esteemed and honored,
Saw them below what they protected precious.

٩. بارواح وان كرمت وعزَّت
رأتها دون ما صانتهُ قدرا

10. The treacherous betrayer wanted
To enter France and double-cross.

١٠. اراد الخائن الغدار منها ال
دُّخول الى فرنسا كي يكرَّا

11. And he intended to pass through it, so it warned him
To turn away from it, not to pass.

١١. ورام بها المرور فأَنذرته
بأن يرتد عنها لا يمرَّا

12. And when it saw him not complying
To it and insistent on passing through it.

١٢. ولما أَن رأته غير صاغٍ
لها وعلى المرور بها مُصرا

13. It stood undaunted to bar the
Transgressor, making him taste bitterness from it.

١٣. تصدت غير خائفةٍ لصد ال
مغير تذيقه منها الأمرَّا

14. And Namur bears witness for it with
Struggle, and Liège may be more knowledgeable.

١٤. وذي نامور شاهدةٌ لها بال
جهاد وقد تكون لياج أدرى

15. The country of Namur bears witness to its
Violence and misery, it became a settler.

١٥. بلادٌ نامور شاهدةُ لها بال
وغى ولبؤسها صارت مقرَّا

16. And it all became empty ruins,
While it was in the nurture of civilization, a flower.

١٦. وباتت كلها قفراً يباباً
وكانت في ربى العمران زهرا

17. And the region of the brave lions became
The blood of its sons in it pouring recklessly.

١٧. وأقليم كغار الليث أضحت
دماءُ بنيه فيه تراق هدرا

18. It suffered from the German hand what if
Poured on rock, would have melted rock.

١٨. تحمَّل من يد الالمان ما لو
عرا صخراً لكان أذاب صخرا

19. And the projectile of annihilation stretched in it
Leaving it devoid of young men.

١٩. ومطمار الفناء امتدّ فيه
وغادره من الفتيان صفرا

20. And it constrained its remaining people
With hardship, torment, exhaustion, and coercion.

٢٠. واوسع أهله الباقين ضيقاً
وتنكيلاً وارهاقاً وقهرا

21. And it dragged behind it bereavement, orphanhood,
Crippling them with blows and more.

٢١. وجرّ وراءه ثكلاً ويتُماً
وترميلاً لهم وهلمَّ جرَّا

22. So this is a grieving father, uncle,
One with a wife, another a son, and in-law.

٢٢. فهذا نادبٌ لأبٍ وعمٍ
وذي زوجاً وتلك ابناً وصهرا

23. And oh woe to the unjust! For he will meet
A punishment that remains and a lesson!

٢٣. ويا ويل الظلوم فسوف يلقى
عقاباً يبقى وذكرى