1. Three months passed, and the fires of war,
Raging on land and sea, still roar.
١. ثلثهُ أشهر مرّت ونار ال
وغى مشبوبة برّاً وبحرا
2. The night of battle grew long and drear,
We thought death had rooted out the morn.
٢. وليل الحرب جن وطال حتى
حسبنا الموت منه اجتث فجرا
3. The Ottomans feigned neutrality,
Deceiving the Allies most vilely.
٣. واظهر الاتحاديون فيها رواغاً
رواغاً ساسة الحلفاءِ غرَّا
4. They plotted and said, "We're obliged to be
Neutral, though this allows no flight."
٤. بهم مكروا وقالوا قد لزمنا
حياداً لا نرى منه مفرا
5. "If we're inclined, it can only be
In secret and openly, towards thee."
٥. وان ملنا فليس يكون الا
اليكم ميلنا سرًّا وجهرا
6. Thus they spoke, while Enver was preparing
To join with Germans most eagerly.
٦. كذا قالوا وانور كان سرا
الى الالمان ضمهمُ اقرا
7. Ninety days he spent getting ready,
Plunging his people in recklessly,
٧. وفي استعداده للحرب معهم
قضى التسعين يوماً مستمرا
8. Inciting them against the Allies,
Their hearts bitter enmity.
٨. واقحم قومه فيها اعتباطاً
واوغرهم على الحلفاءِ صدرا
9. So they provoked the bear, and down upon them
Came his legions furiously.
٩. وهاجوا الدب فانهمرت عليهم
فيالقهُ من القوقاس همرا
10. A grueling war ensued between them,
Its tides ebbing and flowing unceasingly.
١٠. ودارت بينهم حربٌ عوان
تراوح سيرها مداً وجزرا
11. While Enver hoped for victory,
Fate looked at him disdainfully.
١١. وبينا انورٌ يرجو انتصاراً
اذا الاقدار قد رمقته شزرا
12. His army suffered a terrible rout,
No remedy could mend them speedily.
١٢. فحاق بجيشه الغازي انكسارٌ
مريع بعده لم يلقَ جبرا
13. In the Caucasus moths of decay
Began gnawing them gradually.
١٣. ودب اليه في القوقاس سوس ال
خطوب وعظمه اوهاه نخرا
14. Those whom battle did not kill
Perished from Russian arrows certainly.
١٤. فمن لم يقضِ في الهيجاء منهم
وسهم الروس اخطأ منه نحرا
15. Some starved, some suffered miserable thirst,
No patience could succor them utterly.
١٥. فمن طما ولغبٍ ارهقاه
وجوعٍ ما استطاع عليه صبرا
16. Those whom these plagues did not drive away
Were taken by typhus fever, expiring miserably.
١٦. ومن لم تردهِ هذي البلايا
هراه الزمهرير فمات قرّا