1. The liberation of Syria by the hand of the Prophet
In the East it rang out to the farthest reaches of the West
١. تحرير سوريةٍ على يد أَللنَبِي
في الشرق رنّ الى اقاصي المغرب
2. A conquest whose angels sang praises
And the ear of the planet listened attentively to its reverberations
٢. فتحٌ تغنَّتهُ ملئكةُ السما
وتنصتت لصداهُ أذن الكوكبِ
3. A conquest that competes with the greatest victories
Majestic, its glory crowding at the shoulders
٣. فتحٌ يطاولُ أكبر النصرات في ال
هيجا ويزحَمُ مجدها بالمنكبِ
4. Jerusalem inspires it around what surrounds it
And Damascus numbers it with gilded script
٤. فالقدسُ تُمليِه على ما حولها
ودمشقُ ترقمهُ بحرفٍ مُذهب
5. Its light radiated by Lebanon in its environs
Vanquishing all traces of the disappearing dusk
٥. ويشعُّهُ لبنانُ في أرجائه
نوراً يلاشي منهُ إِثر الغيهَبِ
6. And the House of Purity spreads it as good tidings
For which the Pleiades arrange the most splendid procession
٦. وتذيعهُ دراُ الصفاءِ بشارةً
تُجري لها الشبهاءُ أفخم موكب
7. Rejoice, O beloved Syria, and be jubilant
At the deliverance of your people and be joyous
٧. بشراكِ سوريةُ العزيزة فافرحي
وتهللي بخلاص شعبكِ واطربي
8. For God has answered your request so express
As much as you wish in praise of God, and elaborate
٨. فاللهُ سؤلكِ قد أجابَ فبالغي
ما شئتِ في حمدِ الإِله وأطنبي
9. You have attained what you sought, which was
From every aspect the most difficult request
٩. فلقد أنالكِ ما طلبتِ وانهُ
من كل وجهٍ كان أصعب مطلبِ
10. The Almighty saved you, fashioned by the verses of praise
And explain the quality of this favor
١٠. وعلى الأُلى نجَّوكِ آياتِ الثنا
صوغي وعن قدر الصنيعة أعربي
11. I am, for your great Savior, grateful
And for this victory of His, most admiring
١١. إني لمنقذكِ العظيم لشاكرٌ
وبنصره هذا لأَكبرُ مُعجبِ
12. And let my poetry's reader, the chronicler, describe
The liberation of Syria by the hand of the Prophet
١٢. ولقارئي شعري المؤرَّخَ واصفٌ
تحرير سوريةٍ على يدِ اللنبِي
13. Its sparks flew from the Balkans
And ignited, then pervaded all the countries
١٣. طارت شرارتها من البلقانِ
وذَكت فعمَّت سائر البلدانِ
14. And it ended with them just as it had begun
Whether its youth or its quiescence, the two are equal
١٤. وقد انتهت منهُ كما ابتدأت به
فشبوبها وخمودها سيَّانِ
15. Had it not been for the Turks' opposition, it would have
Quickly extinguished, and not ignited in the uprising
١٥. لولا تصدِّي الترك لأنطفأت على
عجلٍ ولم تشتدَّ في الثورانِ
16. But with their entry it reached the extent of fifty months
With two months above it
١٦. لكنها بدخولهم بلغت مَدى
خمسين شهراً فوقها شهرانِ
17. They prevented the alliance with Russia, and it was not
Possible to avert this prevention
١٧. منعوا به عن روسيا الحلفا ولم
يَكُ صرف هذا المنع في الامكانِ
18. And Bulgaria followed in their footsteps
Joining with them and with the Germans
١٨. وجَرت على آثارهم بلغاريا
منضمةً معهم الى الالمان
19. And Romania mobilized for the attack in the battlefield
To support the alliance
١٩. ولنصرة الحلفا انبرت رومانيا
وتأهبت للكرّ في الميدانِ
20. But it did not delay in recoiling
Dragging the disgrace of desertion
٢٠. لكنها ما أبطأت ان أحجمت
عنهُ تجرّ ذلاذل الخذلانِ
21. And the Germans monopolized the Balkans, no one was saved
From their hands except Greece
٢١. واستأثر الالمانُ بالبلقانِ لم
يستنجِ من يدهم سوى اليونانِ
22. Seemingly, they maintained neutrality, and their inclination
Secretly was towards the Germans, weighing down
٢٢. في الظّاهر التزموا الحياد وميلهم
سرًّا الى الالمان في رجحانِ
23. And if they had been given the choice, they would have declared
Their joining them without hesitation
٢٣. ولو انهم منحوا الخيارَ لجاهروا
في الانضمام لهم بغير توانِ
24. But they and their country were in the grip of the alliance
They devised the plan of secrecy
٢٤. لكنهم وبلادهم في قبضة ال
حلُفا استخاروا خطة الكتمانِ
25. And since the month of the war began they did not
Cease or desist from scheming
٢٥. وجروا عليها منذ شهرِ الحرب لم
يألوا ولا كفُّوا عن الروغانِ
26. Tracing the steps of the King as if
Constantine in the land was a second Lord
٢٦. يترسمَّون خطى المليكِ كأنما
في الارض قسطنطينُ ربٌّ ثانِ
27. So he sowed in their hearts an inclination
Towards William, greatest of tyrants
٢٧. فجنى عليهم أن طحا بقلوبهم
ميلاً الى غليومَ اكبرِ جانِ
28. And people in the world are, as they said, of the
Religion of the King and creed of the Sultan
٢٨. والناسُ في الدنيا كما قالوا على
دين المليكِ ومذهب السلطانِ
29. By indication of the son of his in-law, he deceived his people
Into the wastes of misguidance and deviation
٢٩. باشارة أبن حميهِ طاح بشعبهِ
في مقفراتِ الغيِّ والزَّيغانِ
30. And they forgot the hand of the alliance over Greece
Man is imprinted with forgetfulness
٣٠. ونسوا يدَ الحلفا على اليونان وال
إنسانُ مطبوع على النسيانِ
31. Were it not for their wise minister, they would have delved
Into unbelief and denial of benevolence
٣١. لولا وزيرهم الحكيم لأَوغلوا
في الكفر والانكار للإِحسانِ
32. Venizelos, the man who for his country
Is the buttress of the edifice of excellence and clarity
٣٢. فنزيلس الرجل الذي لبلاده
هو شائدٌ صرح العلاءِ وبان
33. How many equals a nation in the people
How many a nation no human equals
٣٣. كم واحد في الناس يسوَى امة
كم امةٍ لم تسوَ من انسانِ
34. And it suffices the Greeks pride that
From their people is Venizelos the Greek
٣٤. وكفى بني اليونان فخراً انه
من شعبهم فنزيلس اليوناني
35. Unique in his integrity and resolve
Whose mention is the subject of every tongue
٣٥. متفردٌ بنزاهةٍ وعزيمةٍ
ذكراهما موضوع كلِّ لسانِ
36. And in his love for his country intense fervor
And in his loyalty to the allies utter devotion
٣٦. وبحبه لبلاده شَغِفٌ ولل
حلفاءِ في اخلاصهِ متفانِ
37. Had Constantine kept his pact
To the entente on the day of disaster and piercing
٣٧. لو ان قسطنطين راعى عهده
للسربِ يوم كريهة وطعانِ
38. The Bulgars would not have sunk the claw of their betrayal
Into it, nor reached the flames of aggression
٣٨. لم ينشب البلغار مخلب غدرهم
فيها ولم تصلَ لظى العدوانِ
39. But he fell short of it while it was amidst
Its desolation, suffering the affliction of the ordeal
٣٩. لكنه عنها تخلَّف وهي في
برحُائها جهد البلاءِ تعانَي
40. And by the counsel of his guide he took lightly
Warning him of the evil consequence of defiance
٤٠. وبرأي مرشده استخفَّ محذراً
اياهُ شرَّ مغبةِ العصيان
41. And to it he set out in the Dardanelles, opposing
What he intended, so he was second to it
٤١. وله انبرى في الدردنيل معارضاً
في ما اراد فكان عنه الثاني
42. And prevented him from what he intended the day of Salonica
So he recoiled from the allies, a victory of Danis
٤٢. ونهاهُ عما رامَ يومَ غلبلي
فنأى عن الحلفاءِ نصرٌ دانش
43. He did not stop trying to obstruct everything
To which they applied effort in the Balkans
٤٣. لم يألُ جهداً أن يعرقل كل ما
قصروا عليه السعي في البلقانِ
44. And he assaulted their soldiers when he turned on them
They trod and thought they were safe
٤٤. وعلى جنودهم اعتدى اذ دارَه
وَطئوا وظنوا انهم بامانِ
45. Until they did to him what is not done
To the likes of those with crowns
٤٥. حتى أتوهُ بغير ما يؤتى بهِ
أمثاله من صاحبي التيجانِ
46. And his minister turned away from him, and his command
Had been until now the greatest helper
٤٦. وارتدَّ عنهُ وزيرهُ ولأمرهِ
قد كان حتى الآن اكبر عانِ
47. And with his deposition the decree was issued
Signed by the esteemed high alliance council
٤٧. وبخلعِه صدرَ القرارُ موَقَّعاً
من مجلس الحلفا العظيم الشان
48. And Greece's stumbling block was removed through him
And it disavowed the accusation of enmity
٤٨. وأقيلت اليونان عثرتها بهِ
وتبرَّأت من تهمة الشنآنِ
49. And its soldiers joined the allies in
Stirring the fierce flames of fire
٤٩. وجنودها انضمَّت الى الحلفاءِ في
خوضِ الوغى المشبوبةِ النيرانِ
50. And to the allies then masses came
Of the elite of the brave and bold
٥٠. واعتدَّ للحلفاءِ ثَمَّ حجافلٌ
من نخبة البُسلاءِ والشجعانِ
51. And for its vanguards Dusbury the hero
Who demonstrated over the peers his competence
٥١. ولواعيها دسبري البطل الذي
جلى بحنكته على الاقرانِ
52. He charged and stormed the Austrian house and in the
Bulgars inflicted the most gaping wounds
٥٢. فسطا وصال على بني النمسا وفي ال
بلغار أثخن أيَّما إثخانِ
53. And on their flanks the regiments of Serbia
In the attack swooping like eagles
٥٣. وعلى جناحيَهم ضراغمُ سريبا
في الكر ينقضُّون كالعقبانِ
54. And upon the remnants of the people of Vienna and Sophia
Like lions pouncing on the flocks
٥٤. وعلى فلولِ بني فينا وصوفيا
كالأُسد واثبةً على القطعانِ
55. They scattered the necks of their crowds so they dispersed
And scattered into the wilderness and wastelands
٥٥. نثروا عقودَ جموعهم فتفرقوا
وتشتتوا في البيد والقيعان
56. Thus Bulgaria turned against them and its men
Fell before the allies in submission
٥٦. فعنت لهم بلغاريا ورجالها
خرُّوا لدى الحلفا الى الاذقانِ
57. And the Bulgars wavered in Germany
Terrifying hearts and confusing minds
٥٧. وتضعضعُ البلغار في المانيا
هال القلوب وطاحَ بالأذهانِ
58. No pillar of its building trembled
Except that the rest of its pillars shook
٥٨. لم يهوِ هذا الركن من بنيانها
الا تداعت سائر الأركانش
59. And the Turks acquiesced and emulated Bulgaria
And the Austrians halted between the Ottomans
٥٩. والترك دانوا واحتذوا بلغاريا
وتقفت النمسا بني عثمانِ
60. And Germany was left isolated, as
The outcast leper
٦٠. وتلفتت المانيا فاذا بها
في عزلة المجذوم والجربانِ
61. Yesterday it had its supporters around it
While today it is without supporters
٦١. بالامس كانت حولها اعوانهُا
واليومَ قد أمست بلا أعوانش
62. And the beasts of Foch agitating in its army
No distinction between the brave and weak
٦٢. وليوث فوش مثيرةٌ في جيشها ال
تفريق بين الهام والابدانِ
63. Inciting their tearing apart and making them taste
Horrors that would whiten the cheeks of infants
٦٣. تحتثّ في تمزيقهم وتذيقهم
هولاً يشيبُ مفارق الولدان
64. And it had no choice with them but
To surrender to the allies and submission
٦٤. وعليه لم ترَ عندها بدًّا من ال
تسليم للحلفاءِ والاذعان
65. The mind cannot conceive the harm
That it brought upon civilization
٦٥. لا يستطيع العقلُ أن يتصور ال
شرَّ الذي جلبت على العمرانِ
66. But it met the punishment of its tyranny
And aggression and oppression
٦٦. لكنها لقيت جزا ايغالها
في البغي والعدوان والطغيان
67. And so it fulfilled, the Almighty spoke true that
Upon the aggressor revolve the cycles of events
٦٧. فقضت وقد صدق الالى قالوا على ال
باغي تدورُ دوائرُ الحدثانِ