
I heard my soul speak, so I was seized

سمعت مقال نفسي فاعتراني

1. I heard my soul speak, so I was seized
By confusion, perplexed and my chest narrowed.

١. سمعت مقال نفسي فاعتراني
ذهول حرت فيه وضقت صدرا

2. After reflecting on what it intended,
I confessed it was right, admitting it fully.

٢. وبعد تأملي في ما ارتأتهث
شهدت لها بصحتِه مقرا

3. I awakened inspiration from its dislike,
So it obeyed me though it never disobeyed an order.

٣. وأيقظت القريحة من كراها
فلبتني ولي لم تعصِ امرا

4. It flowed and imagination extended from it,
Writing its revelation line by line.

٤. وسالت واليراع يمد منها
ويرقم وحيَها سطراً فسطرا

5. About the war that happened during its time,
So the color of people turned white from it.

٥. عن الحرب التي دارت رحاها
فصار لها سوادُ الناس برا

6. Its flood overwhelmed them
And the land was completely submerged.

٦. تدفق سيلها فطما عليهم
وأصبح غامراً للارض غمرا

7. Its embers blazed so it scorched the land
As fire scorches the twigs.

٧. وشبّ ضرامها فشوى البرايا
كما تشوي الاتاتين الاجرا

8. It darkened with resolve so it flamed with horror,
And touched iron so it melted completely.

٨. أضلمت بالوليد فشاب هولاً
ولامست الحديد فذاب صهرا

9. I see no description for it but what
Zuhair said about it, and that suffices as pride.

٩. ولستُ أرى لها وصفاً سوى ما
زهير قالهُ وكفاهُ فخرا

10. It's as if the unknown pictured it for him
So he precisely described it and narrated it in verse.

١٠. كأن الغيب صورها لديهِ
فأحكم وصفها فرواه شعرا

11. If the great wars of the earth were counted,
None would be considered small beside it.

١١. ولو كبرى حروب الارض عُدَّت
لما حسبت لديها غير صغرى