1. Rejoice, O people, for the great turmoil
Has subsided, and we have had our fill of its heat.
١. ألا فابشروا يا قوم ان الوغى الكبرى
خبَت وكفينا من تسعرُّها الشَّرا
2. Its fire has died down, praise be to God, after
It blazed and scorched the land and the sea.
٢. خبت نارهُا والحمد لله بعدما
ذكت ولظاها أحرق البرَّ والبحرا
3. It has cast off its burdens after raging,
And the world has recorded the guilt of the aggressor.
٣. وقد وضعت اوزارها بعد ما طغت
وسجَّلت الدنيا على المعتدي الوزرا
4. Its shadow has contracted from the face of the earth,
Though it had spread its shadow over it like a canopy.
٤. تقلص عن وجه البسيطة ظلها
وكان عليه ظلها باسطاً سترا
5. And after the prolonging of its night, its dawn appeared,
When we thought there would never be a dawn.
٥. وبعد تمادي ليلها لاح فجرهُ
وكنا ظننا أنه عدمَ الفجرا
6. We spent fifty months counting them
As a month, and counted each day as a month,
٦. قضينا بها خمسين شهراً نعدُّها
وشهراً وكنا اليومَ نحسبه شهرا
7. And counted a month longer than the years
Of famine. Indeed, we saw each of its years as an epoch.
٧. وكنا نعد الشهرَ اطول من سني ال
مجاعةِ بل كنا نرى عامها دهرا
8. In it, what befell the world cannot be described -
Pens, pages, and ink would be exhausted in the attempt.
٨. وفيها اصاب الكون ما إِنّ وصفهُ
ليستنفدُ الاقلامَ والصحفَ والحبرا
9. The scourges that afflicted me have passed by more than once,
So I will not repeat what has already passed.
٩. وقد مرَّ إلمامي به غير مرةٍ
فلست بمستحلٍ إعادة ما مرا
10. I felt what the world suffered of its evils
With a feeling that seemed to me like poetry.
١٠. شعرتُ بما قاسي الورى من شرورها
شعوراً بدا لي أن أمثله شعرا
11. I immediately responded when my soul called,
And did not disobey its command.
١١. أجبتُ به نفسي على الفور إذ دعت
ولبيتها لم اعصِ فيها لها أمرا
12. I deposited the description of this war in these poems
That were heartfelt, not superficial.
١٢. واودعت وصفَ الحرب هذي القصائد ال
لتي اجتزأت باللبِّ لم تحتوِ القشرا
13. I prepared them for printing when they
Contained what deserved printing and publication.
١٣. وأعددتها للطبع لما أن انطوت
على ما استحقَّ الطبع واستأهل النشرا
14. I began with the war and now end
With mentioning deliverance from it and conclude with good tidings.
١٤. وقد بدئت بالحرب والآن تنتهي
بذكر النجا منها وتختم بالبشر
15. News that musk would be diminished if diffused
Over its fragrance, so exalted and superior is its diffusion.
١٥. ببشرى رآها المسك إذ ضاع نشرها
على طيبه تسمو وتفضله نشرا
16. Were it sold, its price would be higher
Than the most precious perfumes of the world.
١٦. ولو انها بيعت وأُرخص سعرها
لكانت بأغلى مهجةس في الورى تشرى
17. The gist is that the turmoil - say that its bier
Has passed - and Germany has gnawed its fingers in regret.
١٧. خلاصتها أن الوغى قُل نعشها
والمانيا عضَّت اناملها العشرا
18. The hand of aggression that extended its evil
And whose forearms stretched to break and shatter.
١٨. وان يدَ البغي التي امتد شرُّها
وطالت عراها القصر بل كسِرت كسرا
19. He who yesterday excused himself for profit
We see today complaining of loss.
١٩. وان الذي بالامس علَّل نفسهُ
بربحٍ نراهُ اليوم مشتكياً خسرا
20. That hardship whose grip tightened
On the people has relaxed, and they enjoy ease.
٢٠. وذيالك العُسرَ الذي اشتد ضغطهُ
على الناس طرًّ ازال واستمتعوا اليُسرا
21. How excellent is the good news that filled the earth with its tidings,
And delighted every soul in the horizons!
٢١. فيا حسنها بشرى ملا الارضَ بشرها
وكل امرءٍ في الخافقين بها سُرَّا
22. When it was circulated, people’s reaction
Was like that of honey - that is, of sugar.
٢٢. ولما تهاداها الورى كان فعلها
باذهانهم فعل الرحيق أيِ السكرا
23. They cried out in shouts of joy and elation,
And did what exhausted the imagination.
٢٣. فضجُّوا باصوات الهتاف وعربدوا
وجاؤُوا بما أعيا تصوُّره الفكرا
24. They held celebrations and feasts in
Every town and village crowded with people.
٢٤. أقاموا لها الزيناتِ والنَّدواتِ في
جميع القرى والمدن حافلةً تترى
25. They omitted nothing with which to express
Their joy but came and did it.
٢٥. ولم يدعوا أمراً به يُعربون عن
مسرَّتهم الا أتوا ذلك الامرا
26. If in some matters they exceeded
The limits of joy, we pardoned them.
٢٦. وان همُ في بعض الامور تجاوزوا
حدود المسرَّات التمسنا لهم عذرا
27. Sufficient excuse for the people are the words of one
Who gave them good news: “Rejoice! The allies have won victory.”
٢٧. كفى الناسَ عذراً فيه قول مبشرٍ
لهم أبشروا قد احرز الحلفا النصرا
28. Such are the tidings I cannot describe their beauty
Even if I spent a lifetime trying.
٢٨. فتلكم بشرى لست وصف جمالها
بموفٍ ولو اني قضيت به العمرا
29. When its essence was announced, how many a soul
Rejoiced, and how many an eye delighted!
٢٩. ولله كم نفسٍ بها يومَ أُعلنت
خلاصتها طابت وكم ناظرٍ قرَّا
30. How many an ear became sharp, how many a mind exhilarated,
How many a heart gladdened, how many a bosom expanded!
٣٠. وكم شنَّقت اذناً وكم برَّدت حشىً
وكم ابهجت قلباً وكم شرحت صدرا
31. How the people clapped hands and offered
Their Lord praise and thanks on its account!
٣١. وكم بسط الناس الا كفَّ وقدموا
لخالقهم من اجلها الحمد والشكرا
32. They singled out the Allies for the finest praise,
Which spread until they could no longer limit it.
٣٢. وبالحلفا خصُّوا جميل ثنائهم
وقد عمَّ حتى ما استطاعوا له حصرا
33. As for the millions of victims, they had mercy
On them and commemorated them with eulogies.
٣٣. وأما ملايين الضحايا فرحمّوا
عليهم وأحيوا بالرثاءِ لهم ذكرا
34. The calamities of this war afflicted all humankind,
So none remained who did not suffer its heat.
٣٤. مصائب هذي الحرب عمَّت بنى الورى
فلم يبقَ مَن لم يشك من نارها حرَّا
35. But its evil may produce good,
And great benefit may follow harm.
٣٥. ولكنه قد يُنتج الخيرَ شرُّها
وربَّ مفيد نافعٍ يعقب الضَّرا
36. If what the Allies strive for in
Their councils is achieved, and tyranny uprooted at the root;
٣٦. فان تمَّ ما يسعى له الحلفاءُ في
مجالسهم واستأصلوا للوغى الجذرا
37. If all major issues become
The concern of the grand League of Nations;
٣٧. وصارت كبار المشكلات باسرها
تحال على جمعية الامم الكبرى
38. If there remains no fear of great nations
Oppressing smaller ones and forcing their rule;
٣٨. ولم يبقَ خوفٌ من شعوبٍ كبيرةٍ
تجور على الصغرى وتحكمها قسرا
39. If the rights of weak peoples are not violated,
And all in the world become free as they should be;
٣٩. ولم يُهضم الشعبُ الضعيف حقوقه
وأصبح في الدنيا كما ينبغي حُرَّا
40. If all this is achieved - and hopefully
It will be, with goodness spreading through the world -
٤٠. اذا تمّ هذا كلهُ والرجاءُ أن
يتمَّ وعمَّ الخيرُ منه الورى طرَّا
41. Then the sin of this war will be erased from it,
And the blood of the millions spilled will not have flowed in vain.
٤١. محا إثمَ هذي الحرب عنها ولم ترق
دماءُ الملايين التي سفُكت هدرا