1. The Unionists boasted and took pride
That they had won in Kut and were victorious
١. تبجح الاتحاديون وافتخروا
بأنهم غلبوا في كوتَ وانتصروا
2. They spread the good news among the tribes and clans
And telegraphed the news to Germany
٢. بثوا البشائر ما بين العشائر وال
أنباءَ بالبرق في المانيا نشروا
3. That they had captured twenty thousand young men
Killed, and twenty thousand others taken prisoner
٣. وانهم جندلوا عشرين الف فتى
قتلى وعشرين الفاً غيرها أسروا
4. And that they had thrown the rest of them into
The depths of the seas, leaving no trace
٤. وانهم قذفوا الباقين منهُ الى
لج البحار ولم يبقوا ولم يذروا
5. And that they had cleansed the land of Iraq, so that
No sign remained of the mischief they had wreaked
٥. وانهم طهروا أرض العراق فما
باقٍ لعين الألى عاثوا بها أثرُ
6. These lies they fabricated and boasted, yet how many times before
Had similar tales been spun for you
٦. يمثل هذي الاكاذيب افتروا ولكم
من قبلُ حيك على منوالها خبرُ
7. That the prisoners in Kut the Emirate did not
Benefit, even had they remembered them
٧. فأسرُ تنزند في كوت الامارة لم
يكن ليجديهم نفعاً لو افتكروا
8. They forgot or ignored what had befallen them
For nearly ninety days, would that they recalled!
٨. نسوا بهِ أو تناسوا ما أصابهمُ
من نحو تسعين يوماً ليتهم ذكروا
9. And the gain in Kut brought them no compensation
For some of what in Rebea Armenia they had lost
٩. والربح في كوت لن يلقوا به عوضاً
لبعض ما في ربى أرمينيا خسروا
10. There the armies of Russia routed them, striking
Blows from which sparks flew over their heads
١٠. هناك كرت جيوش الروس توسعهم
ضرباً تطاير منهث فوقهم شررُ
11. In Mamaikan in the winter at the start
Of the new year, they were taken by surprise and terror gripped them
١١. في معمعان الشتا في اول السنة ال
جديدةِ افتجئوا وانتابهم ذعرُ
12. The attack upon them was truly one of
The fiercest they had ever known or experienced
١٢. كان الهجوم عليهم بالحقيقة من
أشدّ ما عرفوا من قبل واختبروا
13. Nature itself was supporting the Russians so that they
١٣. ان الطبيعة كانت في مظاهرها
نصيرة الروس حتى أنهم ظهروا
14. She unleashed a torrential flood while they
Surged like the tide and overwhelmed like a deluge
١٤. تبعقت هي بالسيل الغزير وهم
تدفقوا بالكماة الصيد وانهمروا
15. Her lightning dazzled eyes and her thunder
Pealed as the Russians lit up their gunpowder
١٥. وبرقها بهر الابصار وامضهُ
والروس اذ ألهبوا بارودهم بهروا
16. Her thunderclaps rocked the horizons while the Russians
Roared over the earth like lions
١٦. ورعدها طبق الآفاق قاصفهُ
والروس كالأسد رجوا الارض اذ زأروا
17. And the hail of her meteors rained hellfire
Down on them like Russian shrapnel
١٧. وقرها هرأ الترك الألى سلموا
من قاذفات سعيراً بردها سقرُ
18. And along with her snow descended a numbing cold
Upon them like Russian bullets cascading down
١٨. وانصبّ مع ثلجها لما همي بردٌ
عليهم كرصاص الروس منحدرُ
19. Each was an incessant, overwhelming scourge so that
When the rain did not destroy them, the hail finished them off
١٩. كلاهما عارضٌ طامٍ فكان اذا
لم يردهم مطرٌ أودى بهم مطرُ
20. They found no refuge in the barbed wire fences they had planted
Around the fortresses, which proved useless
٢٠. لم يجدِ من شائك الاسلاك ما غرزوا
حول الحصون فلم يدفع به خطرُ
21. For the snowdrifts had engulfed them
And their thorns no longer posed any threat
٢١. لانها بركام الثلج قد غمرت
وشوكها بات لا يخشى له ضررُ
22. And the Russians advanced on those fortresses over
The snowdrifts, oblivious to the wire
٢٢. والروس ساروا الى تلك الحصون على
كسف الثلوج وبالاسلاك ما شعروا
23. And they descended on them like raiders while the garrisons
Struggled in vain to repel them
٢٣. وكالبزاة تنزوا حولها وسعى
حمُاتها أن يصدُّوهم فما قدروا
24. How often they had been warned of this attack! Yet when
It came unexpectedly, caution was of no use
٢٤. يا طالما حذروا هذا الهجوم واذ
جرى على غرةٍ لم ينفع الحذرُ
25. They lost Ardahan, which was the knot
That in Armenia the Russians sought to sever
٢٥. ضاعت ارضروم منهم وهي واسطة ال
عقد الذي الروس في ارمينيا نثروا
26. And when its defense exhausted them, they resolved
To flee with whatever they had hoarded there
٢٦. وعند ما حفظها أعياهمُ اعتزموا
على الفرارِ بما كانوا بها ادَّخروا
27. But that was not within their power, and on
Saving themselves, if possible, they could only focus
٢٧. ولم يكن ذاك في امكانهم وعلى
إِنقاذ أنفسهم ان امكن اقتصروا
28. So some of them fled, while those who failed
And were not struck down by the arrows of fate were captured
٢٨. ففرَّ مَن فرَّ منهم والأُلى عجزوا
عنه ولم يُصمهم سهمُ الردى أُسروا
29. Perhaps the Turks would have minimized their setback
Had it been confined to just Ardahan
٢٩. وربما استسهل الاتراك نكبتهم
لو كان في ارضروم الخطب ينحصرُ
30. But it spread beyond Ardahan to
Trabzon, which they failed to defend
٣٠. لكنهُ قد تعدى ارضروم الى
طرابزون التي عن صونها قصروا
31. And they attempted to protect Batumi and Van but
Were defeated, retreating to Erzurum
٣١. وحالوا حفظ بتليسٍ وَوَانَ فما
فازوا وكروا بارزنجان فانكسروا
32. Yet they considered retaking Kut from the
Invaders a greater victory ordained by fate
٣٢. لكنهم حسبوا استرداد كوتَ من ال
غُزاة اعظم نصرٍ ساقه القدرُ
33. A minor, insignificant gain they exaggerated, while ignoring
The major losses they had suffered before it
٣٣. ربحٌ يسيرٌ حقيرٌ عظَّموه وما
من قبله خسروا في جنبهِ احتقروا
34. Forgetting their loss of Armenia, they
Boasted about Kut and took pride
٣٤. أنساهم فقدَهم ارمينيا وبهِ
تبجح الاتحاديونَ وافتخروا