
In Iraq the Turks did not lie

وفي العراق الترك ما كذبوا

1. In Iraq the Turks did not lie
When they relished victory and found it sweet

١. وفي العراق التركُ ما كذبوا
أن استلذُّوا النصر واستعذبوا

2. And made their followers believe
It was a clear, dazzling victory

٢. وأوهمو أَتباعهم أنهُ
نصرٌ مبينٌ باهرٌ أَشهبُ

3. And that hardship which afflicted them was gone
Difficulties subsided and worries disappeared

٣. وأنَّ ضنكاً شفَّهم زالَ وال
صعابُ هانت وانجلى يذهبُ

4. And that they had defeated great Britain
So it feared their might

٤. وأنهم راعوا بريطانيا ال
عُظمى فباتت بأسَهم ترهبُ

5. And that they had caused a crevice
In its army, a deep unbridgeable crevice

٥. وأَنهم في جيشها أَحدثوا
صدعاً بعيدَ الغورِ لا يُشعبُ

6. And that the ravens of fate
Would inevitably descend on its remnants

٦. وأنَّ غربان القضاءِ على
فُلولهم لا بدَّ ما تنعبُ

7. And that this war in their view
Was but a game being played

٧. وأنَّ هذي الحربَ في رأيهم
ليست سوى أُلعوبةٍ تُلعبُ

8. When they heard this laughable nonsense
And the like, their ears rejoiced

٨. بسمع هذي المضحكاتِ وما
أَشبهها آذانهم أَطربُوا

9. Arrogance blinded them, so they dismissed
The harm that was approaching them

٩. والطيش أَعماهمُ فاستبعدوا
ما كان منهم شرهُ يقربُ

10. Proceeding in the darkness of conceit, not seeing
What was brewing in their atmosphere

١٠. سارين في داجي الغرور ولا
يرون ما في جوهم ينشبُ

11. They missed that the Huzbir whom
They roused had no escape from him

١١. وفاتهم أَن الهزبر الذي
هاجُوه منه ما لهم مهربُ

12. And that in a little while he would
Strike a decisive, powerful blow

١٢. وأَنه عما قليلٍ عدا
ه ضربةً قاضيةً يضربُ

13. While fate was taking its course
Unaware of what was being written

١٣. وبينما الاقدار تجري ولا
يدرون ما في لوحها يكتبُ

14. Maude surprised them with an army
Victory marched alongside it

١٤. فاجأَهم مودُ بجيش لهُ
ايَّان سار النصرُ يستصحبُ

15. And shouted at them with a cry
Like the roar of a dragon when angry

١٥. وصاح فيهم صيحة أشبهت
زمجرة الضرغام إذ يغضبُ

16. He rushed to attack them, igniting
Fires around them that burned

١٦. وهبَّ يغزوهم ومن بطشهِ
يشبُّ ناراً حولهم تلهبُ

17. To the south at Kut marching on them
Determined to recapture it

١٧. جنوب كوتٍ فلهم زاحفاً
وجدَّ في استرجاعها يدأبُ

18. And occupied its protectors by force
Like an unstoppable flood

١٨. واحتلها حماتها غالباً
بقوةٍ كالسيل لا تُغلبُ

19. Those who escaped northwards fled
With Maude pursuing them closely behind

١٩. ومن نجا منهم شمالاً جرى
ومودُ جارٍ خلفهُ يعقبُ

20. He counted prisoners generously
In total more than anticipated

٢٠. ويحسب الاسرى الوفاً وفي ال
مجموع منهم فوق ما يحسب

21. As for the many killed and wounded
Truly numbering them is difficult

٢١. اما الالى قتلى وجرحى هووا
فالحق أنَّ عدهم يصعب

22. After Kut, Maude slowed down
To let his enemies rest

٢٢. وبعد كوتٍ خفَّ مودُ ورا
أعدائهِ إرهاقهم يطلب

23. Leading an army that pillaged the land
Marching on foot, riding the air

٢٣. يقود جيشاً ينهب الأرض إِذ
يمشي ويغزو الجوَّ إذ يركب

24. His resolve is attributed to his steely determination
But it is from his heart, even steelier

٢٤. وعزمهُ يعزى لصلد الصفا
لكنهُ من قلبها اصلب

25. When he charged into the fray
He was likened to a lion in ferocity

٢٥. وكرُّه إن صال في ساحة ال
وغى الى اسدِ الشرى يُنسب

26. Following in Maude's footsteps were the
Turks, as he herded them

٢٦. به اقتفى مود خُطى ساقة ال
أتراكِ وهو سوقهم يقضب

27. He was determined in conquering citadels
Raising his flags over their towers

٢٧. وجدَّ في فتح الحصون على
أبراجها أعلامهُ ينصب

28. Until he came to Baghdad and captured it
Forcing the Turks to flee

٢٨. حتى اتى بغداد فاحتلَّها
واكرهَ الاتراكَ ان يهربوا

29. They let loose their reins
Dragging behind them the tail of defeat

٢٩. فأطلقوا للريح سيقانهم
وخلفهم ذيل الوحى يسحب

30. And left Baghdad, which was
Prey for looters to plunder

٣٠. وغادروا بغداد وهي من ال
حلى الغوالي نهبةً تنهب

31. Without shedding a tear
In sorrow for losing it

٣١. وليس في أجفانهم دمعةٌ
حزناً على فقدانها تسكب

32. And if they say otherwise
To reduce its value, they lie

٣٢. وإِن يقولوا غير ما قلتهُ
للغض من قيمتها يكذبوا

33. Losing it made them drink a draught
More bitter than they had ever drunk

٣٣. ففقدها جرعهم شربةً
أمرَّ منها قطُّ لم يشربوا

34. Their leaders counted it a calamity
The likes of which they had never suffered

٣٤. وعده أقطابهم نكبةً
بمثلها من قبل لم ينكبوا