1. Who will inform the poets about their brothers
With news, and they will believe him with those souls
١. مَن مُبلِغُ الشُعَراءِ عَن أَخَوَيهِمَ
خَبَراً فَتَصدُقَهُم بِذاكَ الأَنفُسُ
2. The one who hung the parchment from them
And was saved from the touching of his shameful loves
٢. أَودَى الَّذي عَلِقَ الصَحيفَةَ مِنهُما
وَنَجا حِذارَ حِبائِهِ المُتَلَمِّسُ
3. He threw his parchment and his balls were saved
From the insertion of the spine, a silent one
٣. أَلقَى صَحيفَتَهُ وَنَجَّت كورَهُ
عَنسٌ مُداخِلَةُ الفَقارَةِ عِرمِسُ
4. Silent when her pregnancy is concealed, her meat fattens
And when she is pulled by her young, she does not bleat
٤. عَنسٌ إِذا ضَمَرَت تَعَزَّزَ لَحمُها
وَإِذا تُشَدُّ بِنِسعِها لا تَنبِسُ
5. The wild goat, its meat cooked by the migrants
And its forehead is as if smooth leather
٥. وَجناءُ قد طَبَخَ الهَواجِرُ لَحمَها
وَكَأَنَّ نُقبَتَها أَديمٌ أَملَسُ
6. She almost flies from panic, her heart
If the howler of dawn shrieks submissively
٦. وَتَكادُ مِن جَزَعٍ يَطيرُ فؤادُها
إِن صاحَ مُكَّاءُ الضُحى مُتَنَكِّسُ
7. Throw the parchment, no shame to you, he
Is feared for you from the shameful leprosy
٧. أَلقِ الصَحيفَةَ لا أبَا لَكَ إِنَّهُ
يُخشى عَلَيكَ مِنَ الحِباءِ النِقرِسُ
8. And I knew that I was afflicted with impotence
When it was said he was from the clan of Dawfan, silent
٨. وَعَلِمتُ أَنّي قَد مُنِيتُ بِنَيطَلٍ
إِذ قيلَ كانَ مِن آلِ دَوفَنَ قَومَسُ
9. And I fled fearing that his shame
Would be a disgrace that blemishes my tribe, red
٩. وَفَرَرتُ خَشيَةَ أَن يَكونَ حِباؤُهُ
عاراً يُسَبُّ بهِ قَبيليَ أَحمَسُ
10. And I left the quarter of Bani Dhuba’a fearing
That they would be abused because of my blood and my smooth skin
١٠. وَتَرَكتُ حَيَّ بَني ضُبَيعَةَ خَشيَةً
أَن يُوتَروا بِدَمي وَجِلدِيَ أَملَسُ
11. May your mother lose you in the early morning O son of a slave
At the coast of the brave king, armed
١١. ثَكِلَتكَ يا اِبنَ العَبدِ أُمُّكَ سادِراً
أَبِساحَةِ المَلِكِ الهُمامِ تَمَرَّسُ