
Perhaps one day it will please you

لعلك يوماً أن يسرك أنني

1. Perhaps one day it will please you
That I witnessed, as my bones scattered in my grave,

١. لَعلَّكَ يَوماً أَن يَسُرَّكَ أَنَّني
شَهِدتُ وَقد رَمَّت عِظاميَ في قَبري

2. So you become oppressed, bearing the lowliness of the world,
Eager for one like me, needing my victory,

٢. فتُصبِحُ مَظلوماً تُسامُ دَنِيَّةً
حَريصاً عَلى مِثلي فَقيراً إِلى نَصري

3. And the brothers abandon you after me and you are tested,
And the angel supports me against you, without you knowing,

٣. وَيَهجُرُكَ الإِخوانُ بَعدي وَتُبتَلى
وَيَنصُرُني مِنكَ المَليكُ فَلا تَدرِي

4. And if I were alive before that, you would not have thrown
To him a trick - evil and confusion in the matter,

٤. وَلَو كُنتُ حَيّاً قَبلَ ذَلِكَ لَم تُرَم
لَهُ خُطَّةٌ خَسفاً وَشووِرتَ في الأَمرِ

5. To the son of Al-Julanda, the owner of the horses, Jafer.

٥. إِلى اِبنِ الجُلَندَى صاحبِ الخَيل جَيفَرِ