1. Convey to the old woman of Dhubay'ah and her child
That war summons men and bares its teeth
١. أَبلِغ ضُبيعَةَ كَهلَها وَوَليدَها
وَالحَربُ تَنبو بِالرِجالِ وَتَضرِسُ
2. The people are coming to you with a horde of warriors
Glowering, unless you confront them, you will be confronted
٢. القَومُ آتُوكُم بِأَرعَنَ جَحفَلٍ
حَنِقينَ إِلاّ تَفرِسوهُم تُفرَسوا
3. Better than the rebellious people is their leader
O people, be shy before the seated women!
٣. خَيرٌ مِنَ القَومِ العُصاةِ أَميرَهُم
يا قومِ فَاِستَحيوا النِساءُ الجُلَّسُ
4. Were I to cease protecting you from the attacker
He would have nearly died of rage, biting his lip
٤. ما إِن أزَالُ أَذُبُّ عَنكُم كاشِحاً
قَد كادَ مِن حَنَقٍ بِسَمٍّ يَقلِسُ
5. Do you say they denied Hanifah his due?
After the pledge and oath, or did they forget?
٥. أَتقَولُ هُم مَنَعوا حَنيفَةَ حَقَّهُم
بَعدَ الكَفالَةِ وَالتَوَثُّقِ أَم نَسوا
6. They did not know that the circumspect son of Badrah
With the sword, for death, is Bayhas!
٦. لَم يَعلَموا أَن قَد مَشى حَذَرَ الخَزى
بِالسَيفِ لِلمَوتِ اِبنُ بَدرَةَ بَيهَسُ