1. My people parted, some staying, some departing,
So by God, which of my people should I follow?
١. تَفَرَّقَ أَهلي مِن مُقيمٍ وَظاعِنٍ
فَلِلَّهِ دَرّي أَيَّ أَهلِيَ أَتبَعُ
2. Those who stayed I don't care for their leaving,
And those who left, I longed that we'd meet.
٢. أَقامَ الَّذينَ لا أُبالي فِراقَهُم
وَشَطَّ الَّذينَ بَينَهُم أَتَوقَّعُ
3. I grieve for them all, though my roots pull me near,
So move the closer ones, lest our bond crack and tear.
٣. عَلى كُلِّهِم آسَى وَلِلأَصلِ زُلفَةٌ
فَزَحزِح عَنِ الأَدنَينَ أَن يَتَصَدَّعوا
4. My people left the family of Awff ibn Amer,
Though long they were allies Awff hoped to pair.
٤. وَفارَقَ أَهلي أَهلَ عَوفِ بنِ عامرٍ
وَكانَت خَوى عَوفٍ قَديماَ تَطَلَّعُ
5. Ibn Mu'az judged against his people once,
With a fault, though a commander should rarely err.
٥. قَضَى اِبنُ مُعاذٍ مَرَّةً دونَ قَومهِ
بِعَيبٍ وَأَمري ما يَكادُ يُجَمَّعُ
6. I sent them where the paths wind through the pastures,
But disobedience only brings loss, nothing gained.
٦. أَمَرتُهمُ أَمري بمُنعَرَجِ الِلوى
وَلا أَمرَ لِلمَعصِيِّ إلاّ مُضَيَّعُ
7. Take me to my people Dhubay'ah, they are still
My folk, so blame me later or hold back the pain.
٧. أَلِكني إِلى قَومي ضُبَيعَةَ إِنَّهُم
أُناسي فَلومُوا بَعدَ ذَلِكَ أَو دَعُوا
8. And my in-laws were generous, gracious hosts,
But a branch must bend back to whence it was lain.
٨. وَقَد كانَ أَخوالي كَريماً جِوارُهُم
وَلَكِنَّ أَصلَ العودِ مِن حَيثُ يُنزَعُ
9. Think not that I abandoned, shirked the battle,
Or tired like a hunter of sport and the chase.
٩. فَلا تَحسِبَنّي خاذِلاً مُتَخَلِّفاً
وَلا عَينُ صَيدٍ مِن هَوايَ وَلَعلَعُ
10. Nay, but I wandered with the army of Tawwus,
And Mu'add was an ally time can't efface.
١٠. وَلَكِنَّني أَغرَبتُ في جَيشِ طَوَّسٍ
وَكَانَت مَعَدٌّ كُلَّ أَوبٍ تَصَدَّعُ