
I said to my people when the son of Malik came,

قلت لقومي حين جاء ابن مالك

1. I said to my people when the son of Malik came,
"Take your right from its divided arrogance,

١. قُلتُ لِقَومي حينَ جاءَ اِبنُ مالِكٍ
خُذوا حَقَّكُم مِن عُجبِها المُتَقَسَّمِ

2. And I will surely defend it and give its necks
And protect it while the horses stumble in blood."

٢. وَإِنّي لَأَحميها وَأُعطي رِقابَها
وَأَمنَعُها وَالخَيلُ تَعثُرُ بِالدَمِ