1. She looked and liked what she saw on her chest
Of his beauty, and I looked at my robe
١. نَظَرَت فَأًعجَبها الَّذي في دِرعِها
مِن حُسنِهِ وَنَظَرتُ في سِربالِيا
2. She saw it had shoulders bending at her waist
And unkempt hair, its locks entangled and twisted
٢. فَرَأَت لَها كَفلاً يَنوءُ بِخَصرِها
وَعثاً رَوادِِفُهُ وَاِخثَمَ ناتِيا
3. A guest who bites at every forearm he takes
Like a thicket or a palace seen from afar
٣. ضَيفاً يَعُضُّ بِكُلِّ عَردٍ نالَهُ
كَالقَعبِ أَو صَرحٍ يُرى مُتَجافِيا
4. And I saw the wide saddle narrowed
Its straps loose, its leather worn out
٤. وَرَأَيتُ مِنتَشِرَ العِجانِ مُقَبَّضاً
رِخواً حَمائِلُهُ وَجِلداً بالِيا
5. I brought the shaved shanks near as if
I brought scorpions and snakes near
٥. أُدني لَهُ الرَكبَ الحَليقَ كَأَنَّما
أُدني إِلَيهِ عَقارِباً وأَفاعِيا
6. Regret and misery, be sure
Had I been patient with you for the trysts empty
٦. إِنَّ النَدامَةَ وَالسَدامَةَ فَاِعلَمَنْ
لَو قَد صَبَرتُك لِلمَوايس خالِيا
7. Why is your head behind me askance
You fancied a girl behind me, hot for her
٧. ما بالُ رَأَسِكَ مِن وَرائي خالِفاً
أَطَنَنتَ أَنَّ حَرّا لِفَتاةِ وَرائِيا
8. So go away, you are as good as dead, never
To live again, even if you lived for years
٨. فَاِذهَب فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ لا يُرتَجى
أَبَدَ الأَبيدِ وَلَو عُمِرَت لَيالِيا
9. You are delusion, when news reached me, and sometimes
Delusion can be healing for one who hoped in it
٩. أَنتَ الغُرورَ إِذا خُبِرتَ وَرُبَّما
كانَ الغرورُ لِمن رَجاهُ شافِيا
10. But the help of an arid land is not to be hoped for
Until I come back a brother to a youth walking
١٠. لكنَّ أَيري ل يرجَّى نفعُه
حتى أَعودَ أَخا فتاءٍ ناشيا
11. O mount that has evicted me
And disgraced me and expelled the mother of my children
١١. يا أيُّها الأيرُ الذي قد سُؤتني
وفَضَحتَنِي وطردتَ أُمَّ عِياليا