
Love clings to the tangled locks of the disheveled one,

علق الهوى بحبائل الشعثاء

1. Love clings to the tangled locks of the disheveled one,
And death to the snares of passions.

١. عَلِقَ الهَوى بِحِبائِلَ الشَعثاءَ
وَالمَوتُ بَعضُ حَبائِلِ الأَهواءِ

2. Would that virtue, when our hearts are afflicted with sickness,
Were generous and brought healing!

٢. لَيتَ الحِسانَ إِذا أَصَبنَ قُلوبُنا
بِالداءِ جُدنَ بِنِعمَةٍ وَشِفاءِ

3. For me insult has joy and charm,
And I love some of the rudeness of the uncouth.

٣. لِلشَتمِ عِندي بَهجَةٌ وَمَلاحَةٌ
وَأَحِبُّ بَعضَ مَلاحَةِ الذَلفاءِ

4. I see frankness in women as superior
And chastity makes itself known on highborn ladies.

٤. وَأَرى البَياضَ عَلى النِساءِ جَهارَةً
وَالعِتقُ تَعرفُهُ عَلى الأَدماءِ

5. My heart has affection for all of them
Except every despicable adulteress.

٥. وَالقَلبُ فيهِ لِكُلِّهِنَّ مَوَدَّةٌ
إِلّا لِكُلِّ دَميمَةٍ زَلّاءِ

6. She is not chaste, her veil remains in place
Until morning, fastened with kohl.

٦. لَيسَت بَحَوشَبَةٍ يَبيتُ خِمارُها
حَتّى الصَباحُ مُثَبَّتاً بِغِراءِ

7. You find her rising as if she were praying devoutly
Until the adulterous whore gets up.

٧. تَجِدُ القِيامَ كَأَنَّما هُوَ نَجدَةٌ
حَتّى تَقومُ تَكَلُّفَ الرَجزاءِ

8. So if I boast of the Wailers it is because they have built
On the day of great deeds, atop every structure.

٨. فَلَئِن فَخَرتُ بِوائِلٍ لَقَد اِبتَنَت
يَومَ المَكارِمِ فَوقَ كُلِّ بِناءِ

9. And if I specify the Banu Lujaym, it is because I
Choose the most generous people and folk of munificence.

٩. وَلَئِن خَصَصتُ بَني لُجَيمٍ إِنَّني
لَأَخُصُّ مَكرَمَةً وَأَهلَ غَناءِ

10. A people who, when disaster strikes, endure
Calmly the finest praise and the heaviest burdens.

١٠. قَومٌ إِذا نَزَلَ الفَظيعُ تَحَمَّلوا
حُسنَ الثَناءِ وَأَعظَمَ الأَعباءِ

11. Our assemblies do not settle for someone
Who corrupts speech or spreads vulgarity.

١١. لَيسَت مَجالِسُنا تَقِرُّ لِقائِلٍ
زَيغَ الحَديثِ وَلا نَثا الفَحشاءِ

12. They count whoever assembled armies by his firmness
As twenty, while he is counted among the living.

١٢. عُدّوا كَمَن رَبَعَ الجُيوشَ لِصُلبِهِ
عُشرونَ وَهوَ يُعَدُّ في الأَحياءِ

13. Horses swim with the waves as if they are
Birds showered from the shadows of clouds.

١٣. وَالخَيلُ تَسبَحُ بِالكُماةِ كَأَنَّها
طَيرٌ تَمَطَّرَ مِن ظِلالِ عَماءِ

14. They emerge from resonant _rahij_ armor whose shadows
Are like locusts from the pebbles of Ma'zah.

١٤. يَخرُجنَ مِن رَهَجٍ دُوَينَ ظِلالَهُ
مِثلَ الجَنادِبِ مِن حَصى المَعزاءِ

15. From the pain of their girths and bridles they discharge
Foam mixed with the whiteness of blood.

١٥. يَلفُظنَ مِن وَجعِ الشَكيمِ وَعَجمِهِ
زَبداً خَلَطنَ بَياضَهُ بِدماءِ

16. How many a noble lady of a tribe has been widowed
And her companion left in the abode of ruin!

١٦. كَم مِن كَريمَةِ مَعشَرٍ أَيَّمنَها
وَتَرَكنَ صاحِبَها بِدارِ ثَواءِ

17. Verily enemies will never reach our ancient glories
Until they reach the stars of Gemini.

١٧. إِنَّ الأَعادي لَن تَنالَ قَديمَنا
حَتّى تَنالَ كَواكِبَ الجَوزاءِ

18. In Lujaym, how many a young knight who is like
Dawn cleaving through the darknesses of night!

١٨. كَم في لُجَيمٍ مِن أَغَرِّ كَأَنَّهُ
صُبحٌ يَشُقُّ طَيالِسَ الظَلماءِ

19. Or like a trained steed whose stallions return
Only with spoils and never without prey.

١٩. أَو كَالمُكَسَّرِ لا تَؤوبُ جِيادُهُ
إِلّا غَوانِمَ وَهِيَ غَيرُ نَواءِ

20. A sea encircled with armor until the north winds die
In every winter.

٢٠. بَحرٌ يُكَلِّلُ بِالسَديفِ جِفانَهُ
حَتّى يَموتُ شَمالُ كُلِّ شِتاءِ

21. And a tried one whose grinding teeth, when they meet,
Leave chests thirsting.

٢١. وَمُجَرِّباً خَضِلَ السِنانِ إِذا التَقى
رَجَعَت بِخاطِرِهِ الصُدورُ ظِماءِ

22. The links of mail are rusted as if they are
A camel clad in the thick wool of sheep.

٢٢. صَدئَ القِباءِ مِنَ الحَديدِ كَأَنَّهُ
جَمَلٌ تَغَمَّدَهُ عَصيمُ هَناءِ

23. We have found you to be our weapons, nothing else -
Not slingstones or staffs of the weak.

٢٣. إِنّا وَجَدِّكَ ما يَكونُ سِلاحُنا
حَجرُ الأَكامِ وَلا عَصا الطَرفاءِ

24. They cling to the throats of swords and open gashes,
Necks yearning toward every prayer.

٢٤. تَأوي إِلى حَلَقِ الحَديدِ وَقُرَّحٍ
قُبٍّ تَشَوَّفُ نَحوَ كُلِّ دُعاءِ

25. And we certainly raided at dawn a raid
Until we reached our women with women.

٢٥. وَلَقَد غَدَونَ عَلى طُهيَّةِ غَدوَةٍ
حَتّى طَرَقنَ نِساءَنا بِنِساءِ

26. Those are our steeds, and above our lives
Are the white forearms, fully extended.

٢٦. تِلكُمُ مَراكِبُنا وَفَوقَ حَياتِنا
بيضُ الغُضونِ سَوابِغُ الأَثناءِ

27. They are strung from a throbbing vein as if its brilliance
Were a gulf rumbling atop the backs of ostriches.

٢٧. قُدِّدنَ مِن حَلَقٍ كَأَنَّ شُعاعَها
فَلَجٌ يَطُنُّ عَلى مُتونِ نِهاءِ

28. The lances protect us, all together,
And make lawful after the sanctuaries of the inviolable.

٢٨. تَحمي الرِماحُ لنا حِمانا كُلَّهُ
وَتُبيحُ بَعدَ مَسارِحِ الأَحماءِ

29. Verily, swords give us refuge and we give them refuge,
Each gives refuge with glory and protection.

٢٩. إِنَّ السُيوفَ تُجيرُنا وَنُجيرُها
كُلٌّ يَجيرُ بِعِزَّةٍ وَوَقاءِ

30. They do not waver nor do we drive back their edges
From the limit of every silent battalion.

٣٠. لا يَنثَنِينَ وَلا نَرُدُّ حُدودَها
عَن حَدِّ كُلِّ كَتيبَةٍ خَرساءِ

31. Our swords function in the ranks by their edges
As fire functions on dry tinder.

٣١. إِنّا لَتَعمَلُ بِالصُفوفِ سُيوفُنا
عَمَلَ الحَريقِ بِيابِسِ الحَلفاءِ