1. I could not preserve the poetic structure of the Arabic poem in its English translation. Here is my attempt at a literal translation:
And I do not forget to ask her things, I do not forget her words
١. وَما أَنسَ مِلأَشياءِ لا أَنسَ قَولَها
لِخادِمِها قُومي إِسأَلي لي عَنِ الوَترِ
2. To her servant, "Stand up, ask him for me about the night of decree."
She said, "People say it is one of sixteen nights,
٢. فَقالَت يَقولُ الناس في سِتّ عَشرَةٍ
فَلا تُعجِلي مِنهُ فَإِنَّكِ في أَجرِ
3. So do not be hasty, for you are [still] in receiving its reward."
No night to me, even if it is said to be Friday,
٣. فَما لَيلَةٌ عِندي وَإِن قيلَ جُمعَةٌ
وَلا لَيلَةُ الأَضحى وَلا لَيلَةُ الفِطر
4. Neither the Night of Sacrifice nor the Night of Breaking the Fast,
Is equal to Monday night in my view, and even more so,
٤. بِعادِلَةِ الإِثنَينِ عِندي وَبِالحَرى
يَكُونُ سَواءً مِنهُما لَيلَةُ القَدرِ