
He came to us without us sensing him, save that

أتانا فلم نشعر به غير أنه

1. He came to us without us sensing him, save that
He has a beard hanging down to the shallows of the heart

١. أَتانا فَلَم نَشعُر بِهِ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
لَهُ لِحيَةٌ طالَت عَلى حُمُقِ القَلبِ

2. Like a flag atop a pole without merit in its hoisting
He came to us out of need, begging from village to village

٢. كَرايَةِ بَيطارٍ بِأَعلى حَدِيدَةٍ
إِذا نُصِبَت لَم تَكسِبِ الحَمدَ بِالنَصبِ

3. Is there anything above the bread of the beggar from the villages

٣. أَتانا عَلى سَغبٍ يَعَرِّضُ بِالقِرى
وَهَل فَوقَ قُرصٍ مِن قِرى صاحِبِ السَغبِ